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Mr. Mohamed Alkoum

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Mobile Computing
  • Faculty of Information Technology



All since 2020


Muhammad Al-Koum has been working as a faculty member in the Department of Mobile Computing at the Faculty of Information Technology since 2021. Muhammad holds the degree of Assistant Lecturer and performs teaching tasks as well as supervising graduation projects in the department. In addition to that, Muhammad works within several committees at the college and university levels, where he works as a delegate of the Faculty of Information Technology on The website and a member of the committee for raising the university’s classification on the website and a member of the educational program review committee for the general department of the College of Information Technology and a member of the self-study committee for institutional and program accreditation at the College of Information Technology 2022, and also Muhammad occupies the position of quality coordinator in the Department of Mobile Computing 2022.


In 2006, Muhammad completed his undergraduate studies, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Garyounis University. Then, Muhammad completed his postgraduate studies, obtaining a Master’s degree in Information Technology, majoring in computer information systems, from the Middle East University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2012.

Before Muhammad joined the College of Information Technology as a standing professor, he worked for several years as a collaborating professor at the college, from 2017 to 2021. Since 2021, Muhammad joined the College of Information Technology as a standing professor in the Mobile Computing Department. During that period, Muhammad had several cooperation and training works outside the university. Where he worked as a collaborating professor in several universities and technical colleges, as well as giving many courses in computers.

Research Interests

Among the research interests that Mohamed works with are related to geographic information systems, image processing, and mobile security.

External Activities

Muhammad has several external activities from time to time related to working within the quality committees in some university institutions, as well as training work and giving workshops and courses in the field of computers.