مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية- قسم اللغة الإنجليزية -كلية اللغات للباحثة أمل ابوجعفر عبدالجليل اللطيف

نوقشت يوم الاحد 23/7/2023 رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية  المقدمة من الباحثة  أمل ابوجعفر عبدالجليل اللطيف  وعنوانها :

The Creation of a learning Method for Blind Children 

الأستاذ المشرف 

أ.د. منى أحمد الشارف قشوط 

لجنة المناقشة 

أ. د. منى أحمد الشارف قشوط - مشرفًا و مقرراً 

د. إبتسام إبراهيم الدريدي - عضوًا داخليًا 

د. سهام ساسي عبد الرحمن - عضواً خارجياً

  The study aims to investigate the teaching tools employed by teachers at Al-Noor Society for Blind in Tripoli, Libya, and their influence on the inclusion of blind children in ordinary primary classrooms. A qualitative approach was adopted, utilizing in-depth interviews as the primary method of data collection. Purposeful sampling and qualitative analysis were employed to explore and comprehend the phenomenon under investigation. Three special needs teachers for the blind in a regular primary school were selected as interview participants to generate comprehensive insight into the teaching tools used and their impact on the inclusion of blind children. However, the key findings reveal the diverse teaching tools employed by teachers and their consequential influence on the inclusion of blind children in regular primary classrooms. These tools encompass guidance grounded in teachers’ knowledge and skills, ongoing assessment throughout students’ learning process, constructive feedback, instructional conversation, verbal information dissemination, the utilization of teaching materials, tactile demonstrations employing real objects, the provision of creative and accessible learning materials tailored for the blind, auditory resources, and the organization of Braille materials in accordance with individual education plans. In addition, the findings illuminate that teachers exhibit both discrepancies and commonalities in their utilization of teaching tools, thus directly shaping the academic, social, physical inclusion of blind children in regular primary classrooms. 

رقم قرار المناقشة: 1788

مكان المناقشة: قاعة المناقشات بكلية اللغات
