• َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Arabic Language
  • faculty of Arts Tripoli



All since 2019


Rabia Abdussalam Hender is one of the faculty members of the Department of Arabic Language at Tripoli College of Arts.

Ms. Rabia Hinder, University of Tripoli, has been an assistant professor since 19-3-2022 and has many scientific publications in her field of specialization. The doctor has worked on a number of tasks. After more than 20 years in the field of university teaching during which she graduated in the degrees from assistant lecturer until she arrived at the professorship now serving as a full-time professor of teaching and research tasks in the field of grammar and drainage..

One of the tasks is to undertake the task of a doctoral supervisor, a lecturer in the classrooms at the university and higher levels of study, entrusted with the task of reviewing and evaluating a book prepared for publication at the university.

One of the tasks is that she previously served as the Coordinator of the Study and Examinations of the Arabic Language Section and the Coordinator of the Electronic System, through which she included the results of the Section during the period from 2017 to 2021, as well as the organization of study schedules and examinations and their inclusion in the system. In 2018, she was assigned the task of evaluating and reviewing a book prepared for publication at the University of Tripoli, and was a member of the editorial board of the journal Faculty of Arts from: 2016 to 2022. One of her tasks is also to give lectures in specialized subjects for both bachelor's and doctoral students, and she is constantly working to provide students with the ability and competencies to assist them in their specialization. It is keen to support research efforts and to make it both an objective and a means of study.


Prior to joining the University, Professor Rabia Hinder worked in general education at the secondary level from 1997 to 2003, during which she was keen to perform her task of teaching Arabic; Service to the language of the Great Koran.

Prof. Dr. Rabia Hinder is an active researcher who has published research in various journals including: Al-Hudi al-Islami magazine published by the Libyan Awqaf Authority, the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, the tongue magazine shown by the Arabic Language Department of the same College, the Journal of the Faculty of Languages and the Journal of Evidence issued by the Arabic Language Department of the same College, as well as an external magazine entitled: Route Educational & Social Science JournalRoute Educational & Social Science Journal, thus showing broad research interests, but more focused on its field of specialization (grammar, drainage, language science). It now has several papers under way, work on students' assimilation and their ability to engage in practice and apply what they have obtained in their studies.

Research Interests

Throughout the past, Dr. Rabia Hinder has been constantly researching and investigating to keep abreast of recent and sophisticated research and studies to upgrade her and her students from the academic level. During this time, she has worked and published research in court journals. She has also been keen to participate in scientific forums, seminars and conferences locally and abroad, including:

Conference of the University of Zaytouna, Jordan, 2013.

Third International Conference on Arabic Language in Dubai 2014.

Conference (Two Languages of My Identity) of the University of Western Mountain - Gharyan 2014.

Fourth International Conference on Arabic Language in Dubai, 2015.

Conference on "The Reality of Arabic Language in Libya, Problems and Solutions" at Omar Al-Mukhtar University in White 2018.

Conference (Humanities Renew and Continue) Babir, Ankara - Turkey 2020.

Conference on the second anniversary of the departure of Dr. Mohamed Masood Gebran - Faculty of Education, Tripoli University.

Honoring Dr. Abdulmoula al-Baghdadi (from the 80th Quarter) 2018.

Eulogy of Poetry (Abdulmoula al-Baghdadi), 2021.

First National International Literary and Critical Forum in Libya Second Session of the University of Tobruk 2021.

Scientific Seminar: Scientific Research - Methodology and Perspectives, Department of Arabic Language in the Faculty of Languages, 2022

External Activities

For the past 20 years, Dr. Rabia Hinder has been a researcher who has been continuously working to provide all that will enhance her level of performance in her field of work, keeping abreast of all new research, studies and teaching methods to benefit and benefit, during which she has worked to participate in forums, symposiums and scientific conferences locally and abroad.

In addition, it had some other activities outside the University, including:

Member of the International Arabic Language Federation and member of the Sharjah Historical Lexicon Committee.


Journal Article

ربيعة عبد السلام محمد هندر (6-2019)
جامعة طرابلس, 33(1), الصفحات 129-160