Dr. Awatif Abosahmeen

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Medicine
  • faculty of Medicine



All since 2019


I am running outpatient clinics on weekly basis, accepting referrals from most hospitals in the western part of Libya, arranging admissions and making appropriate plans, and decisions, and arranging follow-ups. I am involved in teaching our junior doctors how to deal with a new and emergency case, how to take a full history, complete examination, and request appropriate investigation before making any decisions.

Skilled in EBRT using various techniques such as 3DCRT, IMRT

Experienced in gating and tracking tumor motion for lung, prostate cancer, and others. I have delineated many cases of different tumor sites such as Head and Neck tumors, lung cancer, GIT tumors, Paediatric tumors, Gynaecological cancers, Brain and Lymphomas.


Special experience in using Electron Beams in treating skin and superficial cancers. Excellent communication skills gained through dealing with patients and relatives from many countries.


I am leading a daily ward round and making decisions regarding starting, continuing, and stopping treatments with discharge arrangements.

I am involved in arranging meetings for our major committee (consisting of all doctors staff and consultants) to discuss our complex cases. 

I have been involved in counseling patients, explaining our local consent, agreement, and possible side effects. Also, involved in calculating, setting, and starting doses.  

I am also involved in arranging, leading, and attending our regular MDT meetings and our Annual Radiation Oncology Refresher Courses in Tripoli.

I am a speaker presenting my breast cancer research conference and this research will be published in one of the international scientific journals soon

I am involved in regularly teaching medical students and junior doctors.

I am a research assistant in radiotherapy at the Libyan medical board and I have been involved in many types of research.


  • Member of the Scientific Committee for Radiation Oncology of The Arab Council for Health Specialties in The Arab Board.

    Head of Department Radiation Oncology consultant at the National Cancer Institute Misurata /Libya (from June 2020 till 2023).

Member in scientific council in radiotherapy of Libyan medical board

Member of teaching staff at tripoli medical University and Misurata medical university.

Certified professional Diploma healthcare quality management(CPHQ) 0n march 2023

Diploma of American Institute of Health Care and hospital management(AIHC)

Research Interests

I work as an assistant research rapporteur in the Scientific Council of the Libyan Fellowship and a supervisor for the research of the second part of the Libyan Fellowship. I publish scientific research in European and Arab journals and I work on preparing scientific papers that are currently being completed.

External Activities

  • I am lecturer for a 5th-year medical student at Misurata medical university

  • Associate teaching member of the oncology Diploma program in NCI Misurata 

  • I am in a teaching program for the 1st part of Libyan board doctors in pharmacology medical physicist and Radiobiology from Jan/2020

  • Presenter at many conferences

  • Regular teaching of junior doctors

  • I was a regular teacher of medical technology subject for the 4th year medical technique students, at Zawia University from 2017-2019