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Ms. Leonora Lesaca

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Intensive Care
  • Faculty of Nursing



All since 2019


I started working at the Faculty of Nursing in 2011. Initially, I began as a Lecturer handling varied professional courses like Cardiovascular, Neurological, Critical care nursing, etc. Working in an entirely different culture and Arabic language from what I was trained and used to was very challenging. As a Lecturer, Clinical instructor and Program Coordinator, I embraced the challenges, I learned more about our students, a little about the language, welcomed the differences and dealt with obstacles along the way, and it helped a lot in making my work satisfying and rewarding. I love the people I work with and more so, our students. We are a closely knit family of friends, colleagues and workers. As Program Coordinator for several years now, I have seen through the Faculty of Nursing producing several hundreds of BSN graduates. They are now working in different hospitals and clinics and occupying key positions. It gives me a lot of personal and professional satisfaction and gratification knowing that our graduates are successful in their nursing career and that we made a difference.


Program Coordinator – at present

Dean, Dept of Nursing, St. Anthony’s College, San Jose, Philippines

Transplant Coordinator – King Fahd Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Nursing Director – Lopez District Farmers’ Hospital, Sagay City, Phil.

Associate Dean – College of Nursing, West Negros University, Phil.

Academic Coordinator - College of Nursing, West Negros University, Phil.

Nurse/Clinical Instructor - College of Nursing, West Negros University, Phil.

Public Health Nurse – Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Nurse Instructor/Clinical Instructor – College of Nursing, University of St. La Salle, Phil.

Staff Nurse – Coronary Care Unit, St Luke’s Episcopal Hosp., Texas Medical Center

Staff Nurse – Intensive Care Unit, Psychiatric Unit King Fahd University Hosp., Alkhobar,

Saudi Arabia

Nurse Instructor/ Staff Nurse – C.L. Montelibano Memorial Hospital School of Nursing,

Bacolod City Philippines

Research Interests

I am interested in studies regarding pedagogical techniques affecting nursing education. Technology in healthcare is advancing in a pace that nursing education lags behind. With various factors affecting the Faculty of Nursing and the country, the challenge is how to provide nursing education with the use of technology and other teaching methods without sacrificing quality. Evaluating the success of these pedagogical techniques is also a rich area of study.

External Activities


Journal Article

Maria Cristina Arboleda-Tinay, Leonora Leopoldo Leopoldo Lesaca, Joyce juanita Astudillo Oacangan de vera, JANE TIMOTHY PUDLAO FABIAN, Ebtisam AYAD SASI BENOMRAN (2-2021)
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology
Maria Cristina Arboleda-Tinay, evelyn Betudio Danza macasieb, Leonora Leopoldo Leopoldo Lesaca, Joyce juanita Astudillo Oacangan de vera, JANE TIMOTHY PUDLAO FABIAN, Ebtisam AYAD SASI BENOMRAN (8-2021)
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, pp. 947-951
Leonora Leopoldo Leopoldo Lesaca, MA. LIZA ENECITO LUMBUAN TINGZON, Joyce juanita Astudillo Oacangan de vera, JANE TIMOTHY PUDLAO FABIAN, carol juan honori mojica, Maria Cristina Arboleda Taladro Tinay, evelyn Betudio Danza macasieb (1-2023)
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 4(0), pp. 4-9