• َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Midwifery & Neonatology
  • Faculty of Nursing



All since 2019


HEND MILADI is one of the staff members at the department of 1 faculty of 16. He is working as a since 2011-10-01. He teaches several subjects maternity and neonatal department tell now .  in his major and has several publications in the field of his interest .i was a head of study and examination department and member of many of committees in the faculty of nursing , after that i had an authorization of head of maternity and neonatal department , i was advisor of researches for one group each year from 2017-tell now.  


·         Member of the Libyan Scientific Society for Nursing and Midwifery.

·         Head of Medical Scientific Committee for Technical and Technological Education, Ministry of Higher Education.

·         Member of the National Committee for preparing and qualifying of midwives-   Ministry of Health.

·         Head of studies & examination department in faculty of nursing (Tripoli university) .

·         Member of Academic Staff in Faculty of Nursing, Tripoli University, Libya.

·         Member of General Medical Council of Libya.

Member of committee of postgraduate study in college of health sciences at Libyan  open university

Research Interests

Participation with a research paper on the problems of the nursing profession and midwifery in Libya in a workshop with the European Union in partnership with the Ministries of Health and Higher Education in Libya, the American Jobkenhomes University and the British University of Aberdeen.Participation with a working paper on the reality of the nursing and midwifery professions in Libya at the first nursing conference in Libya.Supervising many graduation projects for students of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery in all nursing specialties

External Activities

·         Cooperating with the Primary Health Care Institution at the Libyan Ministry of Health from 2018 tell now.

·         Cooperating in technical consultative workshop on roles and functions of nursing workforce in family practice based Primary Health Care in Libya 11- 13 SEPTEBER 2018.

·         Cooperating with WHO by attending the training of trainer (TOT ) workshop for Primary Health Care nursing in Libya 2019.

·         I have participated in a workshop organized by WHO about training and raising the efficiency of nursing workers in Primary Health Care Centers2019.

·         I have participated in the training course for trainers in the failed of family medicine nursing in the state of Tunisia with GIZ 2020.

·         Collaborating with primary health care corporation at the ministry of health by participating in workshops setting the national strategy for reproductive health and maternal, child and adolescent health 2020.   

·         Participating with the World Health Organization (WHO) as a trainer in a programme of training, upgrading the competence and qualification of medical personnel, auxiliary nursing and midwifery workers at primary health centers in Tripoli and Al Khums.

·         Participating with the World Health Organization (WHO) as a trainer in a workshop to train nurses and midwives in primary health care centers on dealing with suspected cases of respiratory diseases resulting from infection of the new Covid 19 and strengthening infection prevention in Tripoli and Alkhums 2020.

·         Cooperating consultant in training، development, upgrading and qualification programs for medical personnel, nursing and midwifery assistance, with the Libyan Ministry of Health.

·         Cooperating consultant in training, developing, upgrading and qualifying programs for assistive medical personnel working in primary health care centers with the Primary Health Care Institution from 2018 till now.

·         Participating with the International Medical Corps as a trainer in training program for primary health providers general & Gyne Obstetrics  physicians , Nurses , Midwives on comprehensive reproductive health services in Tripoli August  2020 .

·         Attended training course for implementing Primary health Care - Based HIV Test Services HTS and Prevention Of Mother - to - Child Transmission PMTCT Intervention for five days, October 2020.

·         workshop on Minimal Initial Services Package For Reproductive Health In Emergencies for three days, October 2020.

·         Attend a TOT in leadership, Management and governance for midwifery in turkey 2020.

·         Attend a TOT in Minimum Initial Service Package MISP in turkey 2021.

·         Attend a TOT in leadership, Management and governance for midwifery in Egypt 2021.