تنزيل السيرة الذاتية

أ.د. محمد مخلوف

  • المؤهل العلمي: دكتوراه
  • الدرجة العلمية: أستاذ
  • قسم علم النبات
  • كلية العلوم

معلومات الاتصال


الكل منذ 2020


قمت بتدريس العديد من المقررات العامة والتخصصية في مجال علم النبات   كما  قمت بتدريس طلبة الدراسات العليا بالقسم  وتعاونت في جامعات أخرى في تدريس مقررات تصنيف نبات متقدم، ومقرر حبوب اللقاح، ودراسات مستقلة،

كما أشرفت على العديد من مشاريع التخرج ورسائل الماجستير في تخصص تصنيف النبات والتنوع الحيوي  والفلورا الليبية وتشريح النبات، كذلك قمت بمناقشة وامتحان العديد من مشاريع التخرج وسسائل الماجستير في التخصصات سالفة الذكر، أيضا إشتغلت في العديد من اللجان العلمية والإدارية وهي:

إشتغلت كعضو بالدراسة والامتحانات بالقسم لمدة سنتين

أشتغلت منسق الجودة بالقسم لمدة سنتين

إشتغلت منسق لجنة البيئة وخدمة المجتمع بالقسم

واشتغلت رئيس وحدة المخاطر بالكلية 

المسيرة المهنية

اشتغل بوطفة معيد من 1991 حتى 2001 ثم عضو هيئة تدريس من 2005 حتى الان وتدرج  من مساعد محاضر حتى الدرجة الحالية أستاذ 

الاهتمامات البحثية

أهم المجلات التي قم بالنشر فيها

Apple Academic Press, Inc - CRC Press, a member of Taylor & Francis Group.

John Wiley & Sons.

Phytotaxa – Biotaxa.

Science Alert, Journal of Plant Sciences.

International Journal of Modern Botany

European journal of ecology

Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources.

Biodiversity. Research. Conservation.

Discovery Journal (Species).

Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal.

Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering.

American Journal of Life Science Researches.

Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity.


1-Mahklouf, M. H. 2016. A New Record Physalis Angulata L. (Solanaceae) for the Flora of   Syria. American journal of Life Science Researches. Vol 4: (1). 17-21. DOI: 10.21859/ajlsr-0401021

2-Mahklouf, M. H. 2016. A New Record Oenothera laciniata Hill. for the Flora of Libya.  International Journal of Modern Botany. Vol 6:(1). 6-9. DOI: 10.5923/j.ijmb.20160601.02

3-Mahklouf, M. H. 2016. Flora of Solanum rostratum Dunal. (Family-Solanaceae) in Libya: A New Record. International Journal of Modern Botany. Vol 6:(1). 1 – 5.

DOI: 10.5923/j.ijmb.20160601.01

4-Mahklouf, M, H. 2016.  A New record Tuberaria Guttata (L.) Fourr. Var: Clandestina (Cistaceae) For the Flora of Syria. American journal of Life Science Researches. 4(1): 1-5 DOI: 10.21859/ajlsr-040105

5-Mahklouf, M. H. 2015. Anew record Anthemis marcotis (Asteraceae) for the flora of Syria, American journal of Life Science Researches. Vol 3 :(1). 249 – 253.

6- Mahklouf, M. H & Layka, S. 2011. Morphological, Anatomica and Palynological study to two new species  (Silene reinwardtii & Matthiola tricuspidata) to the Flora of Syria. Journal of Basic Sciences. Tishreen University, Syria. 33:(2). 157 – 170.

7- Mahklouf, M. H. & Layka, S. 2011. Study Biodiversity of Asteraceae in Lattakia province - Syria. Journal of Basic Sciences. Damascus University, Syria. 27:(2). 299 – 314.

8- Mahklouf, M. H & Layka, S. 2009. Morphological, Anatomical and Palynological study to two new species  (Nicotiana glauca  & Physalis sp) to the Flora of Syria. Journal of Basic Sciences. Damascus University, Syria. 31:(6). 133 – 149.

9- Mahklouf, M. H. & Al-Sghair, F. 2016. Floristic and Inventory Study of Mallaha Wetland. Tripoli – Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 4:(4). 119 – 123. DOI: 10.21859/ajlsr-040401.


10- Mahklouf, M. H; Abouhadra, M &, Essokne, R. 2016. A New Record Amaranthus blithoides S. Watson. (Amaranthaceae) For the Flora of Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 4:(3). 89 – 91. DOI: 10.20286/ajlsr-040304


11- Mahklouf, M. H. & Al-Sghair, F. 2016. Biodiversity and Floristic Study of Al-Hdaba Treatment Plant. Tripoli–Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 4:(3). 101 – 103. DOI: 10.21859/ajlsr-040307.


12- Abouhadra, M ; Mahklouf, M. H. &, Essokne, R. 2016. A New Record Artemisia vulgaris L. (Asteraceae) for the Flora of Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 5(3): 83-88. www.diili.org/ojs-2.4.6/index.php/ajlsr/index.


 13-Al-Sghair, F. & Mahklouf, M. H. 2017. Floristic Analysis of the Family Asteraceae in Libya Depending on Flora of Libya. Tripoli–Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 5(4): 170-183. www.diili.org/ojs-2.4.6/index.php/ajlsr/index


14-Mahklouf, M. H & Talha, F. 2018. New invasive seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia from Libya coast. Tripoli–Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 6:(2). 60 – 66. www.diili.org/ojs-2.4.6/index.php/ajlsr/index


15- Mahklouf, M. H; Essokne, R; Jury, S. 2018.  Adenocarpus ronaldii Essokne & Jury. sp. nov. (Leguminosae). a new species from Morocco. Tripoli–Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 6:(1). 1 – 5. www.diili.org/ojs-2.4.6/index.php/ajlsr/index.

16- Mahklouf, M. H. & El-Masri, T, F. 2018. Evaluation of the Fungal Infection of Some Medicinal Plants Sold by Herbalists . Tripoli–Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 6(2): 102-105. www.diili.org/ojs-2.4.6/index.php/ajlsr/index


17-Mahklouf, M. H; Sherif. A; Betelmal, A. 2018. Study of the Flora of Tarhuna . Tripoli–Libya. Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem. 46:(3). 337–364. DOI: 10.15671/HJBC.2018.242

18- Mahklouf, M. H. 2019. A new record Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) in the Flora of Libya. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 3:(1). 52-57. DOI: 10.22120/jwb.2018.90580.1029

19- Mahklouf, M. H. 2019. Invasive Alien Plant Species in Libya.  Journal of Advanced Botany and Zoology. 7:(1). 1 – 4. doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2575522

20- Mahklouf, M. H. 2019. Floristic Analysis of the Family Asteraceae in Sabratha City- Libya. American journal of Life Science Researches. 7(1): 18-25. ww.diili.org/ojs-2.4.6/index.php/ajlsr/index

21- Mahklouf, M. H; El-Ahamir. M. S. 2019. The first record of Abutilon theophrasti (Malvaceae) in the flora of Libya. Phytotaxa 402 (5): 259–264.


22- Mahklouf, M. H. 2019. The first record of Physalis angulata L. (Solanaceae) for the flora of Libya. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 53: 67-71. DOI 10.2478/biorc-2019-0004

23- Mahklouf, M; Etayeb, K. 2019. Global biodiversity (selected countries in Africa (edi. Pullaiah, T). Apple Academic Press, Inc - CRC Press, a member of Taylor & Francis Group. Vol. 3 Ch 5. 113 – 133.

24- Al-Sghair, F. G;  Mahklouf, M, H; Abudaya, E. A. 2019. Species Diversity and Floristic Analysis of the Family Poaceae in Libya Depending on the Flora of Libya, Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering. Vol. 7, No. 2, , pp. 13-21. DOI:10.11648/j.abb.20190702.11

25- Mahklouf, M. H. 2019. The First Record of Geranium molle var. album (Geraniaceae) from Syria. Discovery Journal (Species). Vol. 20, 204-209.

26- Mahklouf, M. H; Wong, L. J; Pagad, S. 2019. Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species-Libya. Version 1.2. Invasive Species Specialist Group ISSG. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/p4jxvy accessed via GBIF.org on 2019-12-30

27- Mahklouf, M. H. 2019. Ethnobotanical Study of Edible Wild Plants in Libya. European Journal of Ecology, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 30–40, ISSN (Online) 1339-8474, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/eje-2019-0011.

28- Vela, E; Essokne, R; Makhlouf,M; 2018. Conserving wild plants in the south and east Mediterranean region – Libya. (edi; Valderrábano, M., Gil, T., Heywood, V., and de Montmollin, B.). Gland, Switzerland and Málaga, Spain: IUCN. Xiii. Pp 12 – 13.

29- Sherif, A. S; Mahklouf, M. H. 2020. An exclusive revision and annotated catalogue to the Grass Family of Libya. Discovery Journal (Species). 21(67), 1-31.

30- Mahklouf, M. H; Abuhadra, M. N. 2020. Infraspecies Identity of Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. (Asteraceae)  From Libya. Science Alert, Journal of Plant Sciences. Vol. 15, No. 1: 28-32. DOI: 10.3923/jps.2020.28.32 

31- Sherif, A; Mahklouf. M; Betelmal, A. 2020. Floristic Study and Species Diverisy of Msallata-Garaboulli Province in Libya. Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal. Vol. 2, No. 2: 556-573. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/bioex.v2i2.232.

32- Al-khojah, H. M; Al-Yafour, L. A. Mahklouf. M. 2020. Floristic Study of Selected Districts in Sabratha region Libya. Journal of Advanced Botany and Zoology, V7I4.02. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3830169.

33- Mahklouf, M. 2020. Biological and Ecological Review of an Exotic Grass Chloris gayana kunth. (Poaceae) From Libya. Journal of Advanced Botany and Zoology, V7(4).03. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3830211.

34- Al-Sghair, F;. Mahklouf, M. 2020. Floristic Analysis and Species Diversity of the Family Fabaceae represented by voucher specimens Depending on the Flora of Libya. Discovery Journal (Species). 21(67). 189-201.

35- El-Ahmir, S;   Mahklouf, M; Shanta, M; Abo-Jaafer , H. (2020). Floristic Study of Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan District – Libya. Journal of Advanced Botany and Zoology, V8(1).02. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3931997.

36- Mahklouf, M.2020. Biodiversity of the coastal flora of Tripoli Province. Biodiversity. Research. Conservation. 58: 13-19. DOI 10.2478/biorc-2020-0006

37- المقصي، ف  و مخلوف، م. 2020. الغطاء النباتي في منطقة عين ماره بمنطقة الجبل الأخضر- ليبيا. المجلة الليبية للعلوم. العدد 23. ص 1- 20.

38- Al-Sghair, F;. Mahklouf, M. 2021. Vegetation Survey for Vascular Plants of Protected Area of the University of Tripoli-Libya. Species, 22(69), 1-9.

39- Erteeb, F. B; Mahklouf, M. H; Al-Shaari, M.S. 2021.The First Record of Allium blomfieldianum Asch. & Schweinf. (Lilliaceae) from Libya. Species, 22(69), 139-142.

40- Mahklouf, M. H; Shakman, E. A. 2021. Invasive alien species - Observations and Issues from Around the World (Edit- Pullaiah, T; Ielmini, L). John Wiley & Sons. Vol 5, Ch 5. 173 – 195.

41- El-Ahmir, S;   Mahklouf, M; Azzu, Y. 2021. The First Record of A medicinal Plant Species Prosopis farcta (Banks & Sol) .J.F.Macbr (Fabaceae; Mimosoideae) from Libya. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Animal Science. 8(6), pp: 39-43.

42- Fattah, A;   Elnaas, E; Shushni, M; Mahklouf, M. 2021. An illustrated Guide to Libyan Poisonous plants. Emkan Pulishing Co. Bebghazi. Libya. Part 1, 1st Edition.

43- Al-Sghair, F;. Mahklouf, M. 2022. Floristic Analysis and Diversity of the Cruciferous species Represented by Voucher Specimens Depending on the Flora of Libya. American Journal of Life Science Researches. 10(1): 8-24. (http://www.diili.org/ojs-2.4.6/index.php/ajlsr/index

44- Mahklouf, M;  Elhosk, M. 2022. Weed flora of selected farms in Al-Wadi Al-Shargi in Ain Zara District Southwest of Tripoli- Libya. Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 05(01), 036–041. https://doi.org/10.30574/msarr.2022.5.1.0043

45- Sultan, E;  Areef, K; Abazeid, M; Elarbi, K; Mahklouf, M; Shushn, M. 2022. Cynodon dactylon L. extract as an eco-friendly corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in saline solution. Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources 19(2), 51-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jpb.v19i2.1

46- Sherif, A; Mahklouf. M; Betelmal, A; El-Wasif, A. 2022. Plant diveristy of Al-Khoms – Misrata Province in Libya. The Libyan Journal of Science- University of Tripoli Vol. 25, No. 01. 35-45

47-Essokne, R. & Mahklouf, M. H. 2023. Index to New updated names of the Flora of Libya (Volume 1). Journal of science, Vol. 16. 41 – 52.

48-Mahklouf, M. H. (2023). The first record of Euphorbia hypericifolia L. (Euphorbiaceae) in Libya. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, Vol 70. 5 – 8.

49- Mahklouf, M. H; El-Ahamir. M. S. 2023. Floristic Study of Al-Orban area in Gharyan District-Libya. Scientific Journal for the Faculty of Science-Sirte University Vol. 3, No. 2. 29-43. DOI: 10.37375/issn.2789-858X

50- Makhlouf, M. H, Sherif, A. S., Betelmal, A. G. ., El-Wasif, A. ., & Mabruk, I. A. 2023. Summer flora and annotated checklist of Jabel Nafousa, Libya. Scientific Reports in Life Sciences, 4(3), 13–32. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10155173

النشاطات الخارجية

عضو في جمعية أصدقاء الشجرة والتي تقوم بالعديد من النشاطات التي تخص حماية البيئة والشجرة والغطاء النباتي

عضو في منظمة  سانديا الأمريكية Sandia National Laboratories  والتي تختص بإدارة المخاطر البيولوجية في المختبرات

منسق شبكة الجامعات الليبية للسلامة الحيوية في جامعة طرابلس

القيام بتحكيم ومناقشة العديد من رسائل الماجستير ومشاريع التخرج في نطاق التخصص

القيام بتحكيم العديد من الأوراق البحثيىة سواء كانت لغرض الترقية العلمية أو لغرض النشر   


مقال في مؤتمر علمي

Mohammed. H. Mahklouf , Fathi. G. Al-Sghair , Khaled S. Etayeb (6-2024)
Libyan Journal of Ecological & Environmental Sciences and Technology (LJEEST) , 6(2024), pp. 101-111

مقال في مجلة علمية

Abdulraoof El-Wasif¹, Abdurrazag S. Sherif, Mohammed H. Mahklouf, Abdalla G. Betelmal (7-2022)
The Libyan Journal of Science, 25(1), pp. 35-45
Fathi Goma Al-Sghair, Mohammed Hadi Mahklouf, Ebtisam Ali Abudaya (7-2019)
, 7(2), pp. 13-21
Fathi Goma Al-Sghair, Mohammed Hadi Mahklouf (1-2021)
OPEN ACCESS, 69(22), pp. 1-9
Ebtisam Ali Abudaya Abudaya, Mohammed Hadi Mahklouf, Fathi Goma Al-Sghair (7-2019)
Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2(7), pp. 13-21

فصل من كتاب

KHALED SALEM EMHEMED ETAYEB, Mohaamed Hadi Mohammed Makhlouf (9-2018)
Apple Academic Press, 3(5), pp. 113-131