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Prof. Ramadan Elmehdawi

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Science



All since 2019


Dr. Ramadan Muhammad al-Mahdawi works as a professor in the Department of Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Division. The doctor taught most of the inorganic chemistry courses (I, II, III, IV, V), theoretical and practical, to bachelor’s students. He also taught inorganic chemistry courses for .

He supervised ten bachelor's projects, as well as three master's theses.أشرف على عشرة مشاريع بكالوريوس، بالإضافة إلى ثلاث رسائل ماجستير.

- He has several published scientific papers in his field of specialization


Teaching assistant 1978-1979

M.Sc-Degree  1982

Ph.D 1986

Assistant Prof. 1989

Associate Prof. 1998

Professor 2008

Research Interests

Polynuclear chemistry of 3d and 3d-4f metal ions containing Schiff bases-type and multi-dentate ligands and their applications in single-molecule magnets (SMMs).

-  Cubane Chemistry -   Organometallic Chemistry .

External Activities

-Joint cooperation in research between Al-Manar University in Tunisia and the University of Tripoli

- Joint research cooperation between the University of Tripoli and the University of Newcastle in Britain

Research cooperation between the University of Tripoli and the University of Ferrutina, Italy


Technical Report

Mohamed Naser Ali Mohamed Elkahli, Ramadan Gamodi Abuhmaiera Rouhma, FATHIYAH ALI ABDULSALAM TURAYSH, Ramadan Mohamed Dau Elmehdawi, MUFIDA ELMABRUK ABDUSALAM BEN YOUNES (6-2015)
Global Journal For Research Analysis, 4(6), pp. 400-403
Mohamed Naser Ali Mohamed Elkahli, Ramadan Gamodi Abuhmaiera Rouhma, Ramadan Mohamed Dau Elmehdawi, FATHIYAH ALI ABDULSALAM TURAYSH, MUFIDA ELMABRUK ABDUSALAM BEN YOUNES (7-2015)
Global Journal For Research Analysis, 4(7), pp. 35-37