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Prof. Basher Algntry

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Physical Education (Teaching)
  • Faculty of Physical and Sport Sciences {PESPS}



All since 2020


Bashir El Qantari has been a professor since 02-09-2014. He teaches several subjects in his specialty and has many publications in his field of interest.  Bashir is a professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Tripoli, and works full-time as a professor in the Department of Teaching in the field of scientific research in physical education in addition to curricula and physical education programs, as well as a researcher in these subjects and supervisor of a number of graduates and lecturers. He has regular publications in international scientific journals and conferences inside and outside Libya. Bashir supervised many scientific theses over  thirty in  graduate studies, and currently works as an academic reviewer for promotion research in some universities in Libya.  He has many scientific activities in many universities such as the University of Tripoli, the Libyan Academy and research centers.  He is the head of the advanced (Creativity) team for the National Scientific Research Project of the University of Tripoli.


In 1990, Bashir was accepted as a demonstrator in the Department of Obscenity Education, Faculty of Education, then 1997 was the year of obtaining the scientific qualification for the high degree "Master" from Alexandria University, Arab Republic of Egypt, and he was then awarded the scientific degree "Assistant Lecturer" and was sent to study the exact degree "PhD", which he obtained in 2001 from the Faculty of Physical Education, Alexandria University, Arab Republic of Egypt.  He obtained the degree as a lecturer, and after publishing many local and international research and participations, he obtained the degree of assistant professor in 2004, as well as many papers in which he obtained the degree of associate professor in 2007. He obtained the current degree as a professor in the 2014 after publishing refereed research papers. 

Research Interests

For several years, Bashir has been publishing research in Libya and abroad, as well as academic supervision in several diverse fields in the bachelor's and master's degrees, in  the following areas: physical education programs, in addition to scientific research methods and methodology of teaching methods in physical education.

External Activities

Bashir participated in many local and international entities, from conferences and scientific committees to members of various activities, mostly in the field of sports sciences, as follows:

From 2001-2011, Bashir served as Secretary of the People's Committee for Youth Sports (Minister of Sports, Tripoli Governorate) and between 2008-2009 as Secretary of the People's Committee for Youth Sports (Minister of Education, Tripoli Governorate) and President of the General Authority for Youth and Sports (Minister of Youth and Sports of the State of Libya) 2018-2021.    Chairman of the Legislation and Laws Committee of the Council of Arab Ministers of Insult and Sports 2020.
