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  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Preventive Medicine
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine



All since 2019


Assistant Lecturer Abd-el-latef Aswehli is one of the staff members at the department of preventive medicine.

He has been working at the university of Tripoli since 2012 and has many scientific publications in his field of specialty. 

He is currently the head of the department of Studies and Examinations. He also started and handling the graduate support union.


- Employee at the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Wealth (1974) (Ministerial Decision No. 50 of 1975).

- Worked at the Medical Analysis Laboratory, Al-Jala Hospital for Children, Tripoli (1984) (Decision No. 629 of 1984).

- Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tripoli, Department of Microbiology (1985) (Decision No. 518 of 1985).

- Worked in the Health Department of the Libyan Embassy in Cairo (1997) (Reference Letter No. M.K. 68 A 28 16, General Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Security).

- Worked at Dar Al-Fouad Hospital, Egypt, as a representative of the Tripoli Medical Center to follow up on Libyan patients (1999) (Reference Letter No. 25 11 6 27, Tripoli Medical Center).

- Faculty Member at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli (formerly known as Al-Fateh University).

- Taught courses on zoonotic diseases, animal care, and behavior:

1) As Assistant Lecturer (2006) (Decision No. 2070 of 2006).

2) Promoted to Lecturer (2012) (Decision No. 1623 of 2012, President of University of Tripoli).

3) Promoted to Assistant Professor (2018) (Decision No. of 2018, President of University of Tripoli).

- University of Tripoli Administration:

1) Assigned to the Office of Certification of Diplomas and Documents (2013) (Decision No. 3758 of 2013, President of the University).

- Cooperation with:

1) College of Education, Qasr Ben Ghashir (2006):

   - Taught Animal Science.

2) Higher Institute of Comprehensive Professions, Qura Bulli (2007):

   - Taught Occupational Safety to Medical Laboratory students.

   - Taught Occupational Safety to Environmental Science students.

   - Taught Parasitology Diagnosis to Laboratory students.

3) Ibn Al-Nafis Institute, Tripoli (2010):

   - Taught English Language to Laboratory students.

   - Taught Parasitology Diagnosis to Laboratory students.

4) Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.

5) Zaytuna University, Tarhouna (2011):

   - Taught Animal Care and Behavior.

6) Faculty of Agriculture.

7) University of Tripoli (2012):

   - Taught Preventive Medicine to Animal Production students.

   - Participated in teacher training workshops for Animal Science teaching.

8) College of Education, Qasr Ben Ghashir (2008).

9) College of Education, Tripoli (2009):

   - Participated in examination committees at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli (2010).

   - Assigned by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli (2012) to study the problems of the veterinary clinic and propose appropriate solutions.

   - Assigned by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli (2013) to evaluate animals and conduct an auction for unwanted animals.

   - Assigned by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli (2018) to evaluate animals and conduct an auction for unwanted animals.

   - Participated in the committee for evaluating graduation certificates, grade reports, and teaching hours for the University of Tripoli (2015) (Decision No. 13 of 2015).

   - Proposed the establishment of a Veterinary Medical Book Fair.

   - Supervised the first Veterinary Medical Book Fair at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli (2016).

   - Proposed holding a Veterinary Day celebration alongside the 60th anniversary of the University of Tripoli.

   - Supervised the second Veterinary Medical Book Fair at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli (2019).

   - Supervised the general book fair for the University of Tripoli on the occasion of its 60th anniversary (2019).

   - Proposed holding a Veterinary Day celebration at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli (2022).

   - Prepared for the third Veterinary Medical Book Fair and the first scientific fields fair for the University of Tripoli (2022).

Research Interests

1) Participated in the Helminth Control Program organized by the FAO (United Nations) (1989).

2) Conducted a field study on cases of protozoan infections in Giza Governorate, Egypt (1993).

3) Conducted a comparative study on the same infections in samples from different regions in Libya (1994).

4) Conducted a field study on cases of infection with trematodes, cestodes, and nematodes in animals with human relevance (1996).

5) Participated with first-year students in a vaccination campaign against rabies within the municipality of Tripoli (2011).

External Activities

- Special interests in translating related scientific references:

1) Zoonotic diseases.

2) Medical parasitology diagnosis.

3) Animal care and behavior.

4) Occupational safety.

- Authoring books in:

1) Parasitology and its diagnostic methods, both theoretical and practical.

2) Health of cattle and buffaloes.

3) Animal care and behavior (in press).

- Conducting laboratory research in:

1) The association of certain parasites with common diseases.

2) Chicken slaughterhouses in Tripoli and their health problems.

- Member of the Libyan Kidney Disease Charity Association.


Journal Article

International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), 8(2018), pp. 164-170