Master in Crop science

faculty of Agriculture - Department of Crop sciences



This description of the academic program provides a summary of the most important characteristics of the program and the learning outcomes expected of the student to achieve, indicating whether he has made the most of the available opportunities. It is accompanied by a description of each course within the program.


Bypassing all courses, the graduate will be able to:

- Rebuilding the management of agricultural establishments and meeting the labour market requirements.

- Develops a plan for sustainable agricultural development programs and work to develop the agricultural sector in the country and achieve food security.

- Explains agricultural problems related to crop productivity and finds appropriate solutions.

- Conducting research and studies that will determine the most appropriate agricultural treatments, devise improved varieties, and raise the efficiency of agricultural crop production at the local and regional levels.

- Discovers scientific and research developments and interests related to the field crops.

- Participates in scientific publishing and international and local scientific conferences.

- Diagnosing agricultural problems by providing scientific and practical knowledge whit providing advisory and training services.

- Applies aspects of cooperation in the field crops between the university, government sectors and relevant private institutions.


By completing all requirements for success in the program, the graduate will be able to:

A. Knowledge & understanding

A.1 - Recognize the foundations and principles of field crop cultivation and its relationship to other sciences.

A.2 - Determines the optimal methods of agricultural operations to increase crop productivity.

A.3 - Learn about the traditional and innovative methods of breeding and improving field crops in natural conditions and under adverse environmental conditions (breeding crops to withstand drought, salinity and resistance to agricultural pests).

A.4 - Distinguish between the different devices used to increase crop productivity.

A.5 - Explains the optimal ways to improve and increase the productivity of field crops (where he learns the types of field experiments and the various experimental statistical agricultural design applied in the agricultural field and the methods of designing various scientific experiments and analyzing the resulting data using specialized statistical programs).

B. Mental skills

B.1 - Explains the scientific terms related to the field crops and other related sciences.

B.2 - Linking the theoretical and practical aspects of producing field crops to contribute to community service.

B.3 - connects the various research fields related to crops.

B.4 - Comparing the various devices used in the cultivation of field crops and the use of appropriate technologies to increase production.

B.5 - Suggests the best ways to improve the different field crops (proposes the best methods that increase productivity and improve quality traits in field crops).

C. Practical and professional skills

C. 1- Applying the basics of crop science and other sciences related to the field crops.

C.2 - Uses modern technologies to produce new and improved varieties.

C. 3 - Uses scientific methods to write research papers and benefit from them in scientific fields.

C.4 - Employing laboratory and portable equipment (field) to increase the productivity of field crops.

C.5 - Develop a plan for ways to improve field crops and optimally utilize available agricultural resources for sustainable agriculture.

D. Generic and transferable skills

D.1 - Works within a team.

D.2 - contacting and communicating with others.

D.3 - Adhere to the specified time.

D.4 - Proficient in the use of tools, laboratory equipment and computers.

D.5 - Adheres to work ethics.

Certificate Rewarded

Master's degree in agricultural sciences - majoring in Crops

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Master`s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The applicant must have a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences or equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authority for certificate equivalency.

2. The applicant should not have been previously dismissed from a postgraduate program in any other educational institution.

3. The applicant must pass the admission  exam prepared by the scientific department .

4. The applicant must be a habitual resident of Libya when accepted to study at the faculty.

5. Priority for admission is given to teaching assistants who are candidates for postgraduate studies from universities and higher education institutions in Libya without burdening them with an entrance exam and comparison.

6. Candidates from public entities are subject to admission and preference exams, with the exception of candidates under provisions including scientific cooperation agreements approved and in force at the university and in a manner that does not contradict the provisions of the articles of this regulation.

7 . Foreign students who receive scholarships are accepted in accordance with the terms of the agreements concluded between the State of Libya and other countries and regional and international organizations affiliated to it.

8. Submitting evidence of the employer's approval - with regard to workers - to devote themselves to study, partially or completely.

9. Students holding higher diplomas may be admitted to the corresponding departments, provided that they take complementary courses as a condition determined by the scientific department according to the controls set forth in this bylaw.

10. The required documents, original and approved by the competent authorities, shall be submitted to the Office of Postgraduate Studies and Training at the Faculty to conduct the admission  exam in accordance with the dates set by the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Training at the University.

Study Plan

The Master in Crop science prepares students to qualify for Master in Crop science. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 36 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 27 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CS 4024 04 Compulsory +

CS 4102 02 Compulsory +

CS 4154 04 Compulsory +

CS 4183 03 Compulsory +

CS 4253 03 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
4224 04 Compulsory +

CS 4053 03 Compulsory +

CS 4113 03 Compulsory +

CS 4971 01 Compulsory +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CS 4063 03 Compulsory +

CS 4123 03 Compulsory +

CS 4143 03 Compulsory +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CS 4005 06 Compulsory +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CS 4981 01 Compulsory +