Mr. Musab Alsagheer

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Gardening
  • faculty of Agriculture



All since 2019


 Musab Al-Saghir, after his appointment at the university,start to develop a research plan to study a number of vegetable crops. We aim with this plan to introduce a number of hybrid varieties of several vegetable crops into the agricultural system in Libya in terms of their suitability to the Libyan local conditions, their growth conditions, and their resistance to diseases spread in the country, in addition to their productivity and the extent of their acceptance by farmers and the local community. This expanded study includes testing the extent of the ability of these hybrid varieties to germinate, grow and produce in several types of soil and comparing them to the varieties circulating in Libya that result from the processes of natural selection known by farmers based on their phenotype appearance.


Work a. Al-Saghir before joining the teaching staff of the Department of Horticulture - College of Agriculture as a researcher at the National Center for Improved Seeds starting in 2015 in the field of selecting a number of wheat and barley varieties as part of the Center’s plan to support farmers in particular.

Research Interests

Professor Musab Al-Saghir’s research interests are in evaluating, selecting and introducing new vegetable varieties that suit our Libyan climatic conditions and the diverse soil types in Libya, especially varieties that are resistant to various diseases that affect vegetable crops.

External Activities

A. Musab Al-Saghir periodically contacts a group of breeders in the field of improving vegetable varieties outside Libya, as well as making scientific visits to local and foreign research centers in the field of horticultural plant breeding.