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Prof. Ahmed Ekhmaj

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Soil and Water
  • faculty of Agriculture



All since 2020


Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj, is staff member in Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tripoli. Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj has been a professor since 06-03-2017 and has many scientific publications in his field of soil and water sciences. He has supervised and judged many master's theses. Most of his researches have been published in many peer-reviewed journals.  He is currently working as a vice dean in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli. He participated in the differentiation committees related to the selection of faculty staff members. He also worked in evaluating scientific researches submitted to the General Authority for Scientific Research and the Ministry of Agriculture. He has been a member of the editorial board of the Libyan Journal of Agricultural Sciences since 2017. He also served as referee for many scientific papers, which is published in scientific journals.


He served as a teaching assistant at the Department of Soil and Water at the University of Tripoli from 1995 until obtaining a master's degree and became an assistant lecturer since 1998. In 2005 he pursued phD.  He was a head of Soil and Water Department between 2016 to 2019.Currently, he is a vice dean of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli.

Research Interests

Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj research interests are based on scientific issues related to the various fields of soil and water. In this regard, his interests dealt with many areas, including groundwater pollution with seawater, irrigation water management and climatic drought issues, in addition to researching the applications of artificial neural networks in soil and water sciences.

External Activities

Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj contributed to the work of scientific evaluation of many scientific papers submitted for publication in many scientific journals, chaired many sessions in scientific conferences. He is currently working as a member of the editorial board of the Libyan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Conference on Digital Agriculture in Libya 2023.


Conference paper

Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj, MOHAMAD S. M.AMIN (9-2006)
: 7th International micro irrigation congress, 10-16 Sept. 2006, 1(1), pp. 503-513
Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj (10-2010)
IEEE, pp. 117-131
Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj, A.M. ABDULAZI, A.M.ALMDNY (1-2007)
African Crop Science Society, pp. 1625-1630
Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj (1-2012)
UMT 11th International Annual Symposium on Sustainability Science and Management 09th – 11th July 2012, Terengganu, Malaysia, pp. 937-943

Journal Article

أحمد إبراهيم محمد خماج, يونس ضو زايد الزليط, مختار محمود مختار العالم (12-2019)
مجلة جامعة مصراتة للعلوم الزراعية, 1(1), الصفحات 218-226
ِAhmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj, Milad Omran Alwershefani (12-2016)
The Libyan Journal of Agriculture , 1(21)
أحمد إبراهيم خماج, عبدالرحمن أحمد الرياني, محمد ميلاد دليوم (1-2021)
مجلة المختار للعلوم, 36(1), الصفحات 8-0
د. أحمد إبراهيم خماج, المنتصر بالله مختار محمد القريقني (3-2021)
, 2(1)
يوسف محمد الغزيلي, المنتصر بالله مختارمحمد القريقني, د. أحمد إبراهيم خماج (3-2021)
, 2(1)
د.احمد ابراهيم خماج, د. احمد ابوالعيد قنفود, المنتصر بالله مختار القريقني, , , , (6-2020)
مجلة جامعة مصراتة للعلوم الزراعية, 2(1), الصفحات 479-494
Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj, Ahmed Abolaid Ganfoud, Nuri Masoud. Elshebani, , (1-2021)
جامعة الزيتونة, 2(2), pp. 88-105
Younes Daw Ezlit, Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj, Mukhtar Mahmud Elaalem (5-2014)
Journal of Natural Resources and Development, 4(1), pp. 2-0
Hussein Said Taleb, Aymen A. Suleiman, Azmi M. Abu-Rayyan, Ahmed I. Ekhmaj, Mostafa A. Benzaghta (12-2022)
Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 37(4), pp. 316-328
Ahmed Ibrahim Mohammed Ekhmaj, Saad A. Alghariani, Younes D.Ezlit , Mukhtar M.Elaalem, (1-2020)
The Libyan Journal of Agriculture , 25(1), pp. 1-12