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Dr. Abdurraouf Shitaw

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of English Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Since my first appointment as a Teaching Assistant at the Department of English in 2003, I have been assigned many tasks. At the beginning of my career, I taught General English at the Department of African Languages, and at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. I was also a member of many examination committees at the Department of English. When I obtained my Ph.D., I taught several subjects at the Department of English such as General English for pre-sessional students, Phonics 1, Phonics and Phonology 3 and English 4. I have also supervised more than 50 graduation projects in the past five years.


- April 2021 - present

Job title: Assistant Professor at the Department of English, University of Tripoli

Work duties: teaching Phonetics and Phonology 3, General English 4, and supervising students’ graduation projects.

-August 2017- April 2021

Job title: lecturer at the Department of English, University of Tripoli

Work duties: teaching Phonetics 1 and Phonetics and Phonology 3, and supervising students’ graduation projects.

-April 2015- June 2017

Job title: Researcher

Work duties: Collaborating with the department of Linguistics and Phonetics at the University of Leeds

-August-October 2015

Job title: Analysing phonetic data for Newcastle University

Work duties: Phonetic analysis of Lebanese children’s speech

-February-May 2015 University of Leeds

Job title: Arabic language assistant

Work duties: preparing teaching materials and presenting these to MA students to interpret into English, both consecutively and simultaneously, and providing comments and evaluation of the students’ performance when interpreting into Arabic.

-January-June 2014 University of Leeds

Job title: administrator

Work duties: teaching practical phonetics to second year students of phonetics.

-March-August 2012  University of Leeds

Job title: phonetics lab assistant.

Work duties: Assisting students on how to use the phonetics lab and the recording studio, showing them how to read spectrograms and take some  acoustic measurements, how to use EPG (electropalatography) and Lx (Laryngography) (in the human communication suite), and finally, answering some questions about the practicals or about the final project/dissertation.

-2006-2007   University of Oregon

Job title: Teaching fellow Work duties: teaching Arabic at the Yamada Language Center

2005 Conocophillips Oil Company

Job title: Arabic Tutor Work duties: working as a private tutor teaching Libya Arabic to the head of the company.

-2005-2006 University of Tripoli

Job title: Assistant teacher Work duties: teaching English at the Faculty of Law.

-2004-2005 University of Tripoli

Job title: Assistant teacher Work duties: teaching English in the Department of African Languages - Faculty of Arts - Tripoli University and in the Faculty of Engineering as a substitute teacher.

- 2001-2002 Libyan Ministry of Education

Job title: English teacher Work duties: teaching English at the Vocational Institute in Imsalata, Libya.

Research Interests

My research interests focus on the phonetics and phonology of Arabic and English, with an emphasis on Acoustic Phonetics. I am interested in timing relations during the articulation of spontaneous speech in Libyan Arabic. My current research focuses on the characteristics of the sounds (vowels and consonants) of the Tripolitanian Libyan Arabic and the diversity of Libyan Dialects. I am also interested in investigating pronunciation problems encountered by Libyan students at the Department of English English - Faculty of Languages ​​- University of Tripoli.

External Activities

Administrative and collective duties including peer reviews and MA dissertations anonymous reviewing


Conference paper

Abdurraouf Shitaw, Barry Heselwood, Leendert Plug, Aimen Ghummed (8-2015)
Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

Journal Article

Abdurraouf Shitaw (1-2013)
Leeds Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics, 18(0), pp. 114-131
Dr. Leendert Plug, Dr. Barry Heselwood (5-2019)
Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 10(1), pp. 1-33
Abdurraouf Shitaw (9-2020)
دار الكتب الوطنية بنغازي, 22(0), pp. 1-22
Abdurraouf Shitaw (3-2021)
دار الكتب الوطنية بنغازي, 23(0), pp. 31-50