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  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of French Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


ALHADI ALSSED is one of the staff members at the department of 4 faculty of 19. He is working as a since 2010-04-06. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest .In addition to his assignment as Quality Coordinator of the French Language Department.Master's degree from Cean BassE Normandy University, France, 2009


Scientific qualifications

2009 Master's Degree in Linguistics and Teaching Methods of French from Cean University _ Bass Normandy _ France

2007  Level 4 French Diploma _ Kless School in Montpellier _ France

2004 Associate, Department of French Language, Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli

2000 Bachelor's degree in French from the Faculty of Languages، University of Tripoli

1999  Language Course of the Kavilam Center for Applied Language Sciences in Vichy, France

Research Interests

Mr. El Hadi Al-SSED is an active French language professor in his field and has published several papers, most notablyThe influence of Arabic on learning French. He also participated in a course of the CLA Institute of the French University of Bezanson. The focus of this course was on teaching French to non-speakers. He also participated in several celebrations of French Language Day in the Department.

External Activities

2021 Lecturer at Next Academic Academy in Noufliien

  •  French language teacher at Al-Mukhtar International School in Sarraj2020

2019 Lecturer at Sanad Al-Atta Company for Training and Rehabilitation 


Conference paper

الهادي سالم ابوالقاسم الصيد (1-2023)
جامعة طرابلس