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Dr. Atedal Betalmal

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of French Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2020


Atedal Betalmal is one of the staff members at the department of 4 faculty of 19. He is working as a since 2013-03-30. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

Dr. Atedal worked as head of the Faculty of Languages ​​Syndicate for 5 years and served as head of the French Language Department for two semesters.


Dr. Atedal worked in the French Language Department as a lecturer from 2013 to 2018. After that, she received a promotion to assistant professor in 2018. She taught several diverse courses in the French Language Department. She also taught several classes, including 6 classes for introductory students in the college. She also taught second-semester students. And the third, fourth, and fifth.

Dr. Atedal also held the position of Head of the Faculty Syndicate at the faculty of Languages ​​since her election in 2013, and she resigned from her position in 2018.

Also the doctor was appointed to the position of Head of the French Language Department by the Department Council in October 2022 until she resigned in may 2023.

Research Interests

Doctor Atedal taught various courses and conducted research in French linguistics and its grammar, but her greatest interest is in the field of translation, as she participated in the translation conference held by the Translation Department at the College of Languages ​​in December 2022 with research that addresses the advantages and disadvantages of machine translation. The doctor looks forward to research and development. In translation science in her future research.

External Activities

Dr. Atedal held the position of Head of the faculty Syndicate at the faculty of languages from 2015 to 2018.

During this period, she was also a member of preparation team for Al-Ustad magazine for issues (11 and 12) issued by the faculty Syndicate at the University of Tripoli.

She was also a member of the elections committee for several of faculties at the University of Tripoli.


Journal Article

Atedal H. Betalmal (9-2017)
مجلة كلية اللغات, 9(2017), الصفحات 158-172
Dr. Atedal H. Betalmal (9-2018)
مجلة كلية اللغات, 18(2018), pp. 145-153

PhD Thesis