Dr. Omar Oune

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


  •  faculty member in the Geography Department at the University of Tripoli.
  •   Associate Professor in the Geography and Geographic Information Systems Department, at the University of Tripoli.
  •   Researcher and supervisor for several master's and doctoral theses.


·         Faculty member in the Geography Department, University of Tripoli, from 2016 until now.

·         General Manager of Al-Biruni Remote Sensing Center from 2010 to 2011.

·         Head of the Remote Sensing Science Office at the Libyan Center for Remote Sensing and Space Science from 2007 to 2010.

·         Manager of Remote Sensing Applications Department at Al-Biruni Remote Sensing Center from 2000 to 2002.

·         Engineer at Al-Biruni Remote Sensing Center from 1995 to 2000.

·         Engineer in the Soil and Water Department, Agriculture Secretariat, Nalut from 1986 to 1995.


Research Interests

Studies on desertification using remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems.

Hydrological analysis using remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems.

Vegetation cover study using remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems.

External Activities

·         Participant in a study on soil surveying in the northwest region of Libya using remote sensing techniques for the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Wealth (1991-1993).

·         Participant in a study to determine the appropriate route for a railway connecting the city of Benghazi and the city of Tobruk carried out by Al-Biruni Center for Remote Sensing on behalf of the railway project (1996).

·         Head of the research team at the Libyan Center for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences in implementing a joint study with the Tunisian side on the use of remote sensing techniques and related sciences in the study of the coastal environment between Libya and the Republic of Tunisia conducted by the Libyan Center for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences and the Regional Center for Remote Sensing of North African States (2009).

·         Participant in a study conducted by Al-Biruni Center for Remote Sensing on behalf of the National Committee for Desertification Monitoring in the periodic monitoring of desertification using remote sensing and geographic information systems (2010).

·         Supervision of the implementation of a project studying vegetation cover and land classification using remote sensing techniques for the first phase of the Great Man-Made River Investment Authority in the central region (2001).

·         National Coordinator for the Natural Resources Mapping Project for Agricultural Use and Planning in Libya (2001-2002).

·         Member of the British Remote Sensing Society (2002-2006).

·         Member of the Scientific Committee of the Third Geographic Conference in Tripoli 2014.

·         Founding member and president of the Libyan Society for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (2014-2016).

·         Member of the Preparatory Committee for the First International Conference on Geomatics Technologies organized by the Libyan Society for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems in Tripoli from December 6-9, 2015.



Conference paper

عمر ضو عون, طارق حامد المزوغي (12-2017)
المؤتمر الدولي للتقنيات الجيومكانية - ليبيا جيوتيك 3

Journal Article

عمر ضو عون (1-2014)
مجلة المؤتمر الجغرافي الثالث لنظم المعلومات الجغرافية