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Dr. Anaam Sharfeddine

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of History
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Enaam Mohamed Sharfeddine  is a faculty member of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli. As a specialist in Modern and Contemporary History, she taught a number of courses to undergraduate students, including the Modern History of the Maghreb, the Modern History of Libya, the Contemporary History of Libya, the Modern History of Europe, the History of Modern Arab-European relations, the cultural life of Libya and the History of the Ottoman Empire. She teaches courses of methodology, historical English texts and terminology, documents and manuscripts, and History of Arab-Islamic civilization (for non-specialized sections) as well as her supervision of Graduation Researches.

In addition to her teaching tasks, Mrs. Enaam Sharfeddine undertook a number of additional roles within her department. She was the coordinator of the study and exams during the years 2013-2015, the member of the scientific committee of the department in the years 2013-2015, the supervisor of the cultural season of the department for the years 2014-2016, and is currently the coordinator of Graduation Researches since 2018. It is also a member of the Committee of the First Historic Conference of the History Department of the University of Tripoli to be held on 19-20 December 2023.


Mrs. Enaam started her work in the Department of History as a Teaching Assistant on 3 September 1993. After obtaining her master's degree, she worked in the Department as an assistant lecturer during 1997-2001 years. She was dispatched in November 2001 by the University of Tripoli to France to obtain PHD. After her return in 2012, she joined the Department again. She is currently working as an assistant professor.

Research Interests

Mrs. Enaam has extensive research interests encompassing Modern Arab History in general, but she focuses in particular on Modern History of Libya (16th-19th centuries) from a social, economic and cultural perspective, in its local, regional and international context. In this field, she has a number of papers published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. This is in addition to a number of papers currently under evaluation. Mrs. Enaam also participated in a number of seminars and conferences in Libya and abroad.

Some of her interests are currently directed to translating some works in her field of specialization from the French language.

External Activities

Mrs. Enaam Sharfeddine has been a member of the Scientific Council of the program  "Young Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences as a Tool for Development in Libya" sponsored by the Institut  de recherche  sur le Maghreb contemporain (IRMC). She was also a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on "La Libye contemporaine  entre  Afrique et Méditerranée", held in Tunis on 2-4 November 2021 and attended by the Institut  de recherche  sur le Maghreb contemporain (IRMC). She is also a member of the Scientific Committee for the preparation of the National Culture Book.


Conference paper

Journal Article

إنعام محمد سالم شرف الدين (12-2021)
دورية كان التاريخية, 54(0), الصفحات 122-135
إنعام محمد سالم شرف الدين (12-2017)
مجلة كلية الآداب, 30(0), الصفحات 59-86


إنعام محمد سالم شرف الدين (1-1998)
مركز جهاد الليبيين للدراسات التاريخية

Book Chapter

Enaam Sharfeddine (1-2024)
معهد البحوث المغاربية المعاصرة IRMC, pp. 71-112