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Dr. Ferial Abuzbeda

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of History
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Ferial Abuzbeda is one of the staff members at the department of 4 faculty of 13. He is working as a since 2012-11-05. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

Member of the study and examinations between 2003-2004.

Coordinator of the Arab-Islamic Civilization course 2018-2019.

Now a member of the department's activity committee.


Born in Tripoli in 1972.

 I obtained my high school diploma in 1989

 I studied in the Department of History - Faculty of Arts, Tripoli, between 1990-1994

 She obtained a bachelor's degree in history in 1994.

 She continued her graduate studies in the department and obtained a master’s degree in Islamic history on July 11, 2002.

 She obtained her doctorate in medieval history on 1/11/2023 AD.

 As for her professional career;  She was a teaching assistant in the History Department at the Faculty of Arts, Tripoli, between 1999-2002 AD.

 She was appointed as a faculty member in the department with the rank of assistant lecturer in 2002.

 During the period from 2005-2009, she was delegated to the Federal Republic of Germany.

 I was promoted to the position of lecturer on 11/5/2012.

 I was promoted to the position of Assistant Professor on 2/25/2021.

Research Interests

  • She has several research papers in Islamic history, including:
  •  “Commercial Organizations of the Messenger (PBUH) in Medina” Al-Ustad Magazine, Faculty Members Syndicate.
  •  University of Tripoli, Issue 5, 2011. “The Alexandria Sea Port in the First Century AH,” Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, Issue 21, December 2012.
  •  “The Movements of Al-Ayyarān and Al-Shatār under the Buyid Sultanate (334-447 AH),” Journal of the College of Arts, University of Tripoli, Issue 24, June 2014.
  •  “Peace and Trade Treaties between Genoa, Pisa, and the Kingdoms of the Southern Mediterranean” Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, No. 7, June 2019.
  •  “Social aspects of the life of the Arab tribes in the time of the Umayyads,” Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, Issue 8, July 2019.

External Activities

I have interests in cooperating with external institutions and universities in my field of specialization. I have research interests in Islamic history in general, and the history of the Umayyad state in particular, in the social, economic, and intellectual fields. In this field, I have a number of research papers published in local peer-reviewed journals.

 Some of my interests at the present time are directed towards translating some works in my field of specialization in the German language.


Journal Article

فريال امحمد محمد أبو زبيدة (7-2019)
مجلة بحوث العلوم الإنسانية, 8(2019)