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  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Islamic Studies
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


ASAAD IBRAIEEM is one of the staff members at the department of 7 faculty of 13. He is working as a since 2008-05-05. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

Name and surname: Asaad Al-Hamali Al-Lafi Ibrahim Al-Abani

Date of birth: 30/4/1961

Marital Status: Married, head of a family of 7.

Residence address: Sayed Al-Masry, Tripoli


1.         From 09/13/2003 until 03/01/2008, a assistant lecturer in the Arabic language subject at the Higher National Institute of Administration.

2.         From 08/24/2008 to date, Assistant Lecturer at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Arts, Department of Islamic Studies.

3.         Member of the Committee for Preparing Religious Curriculum for Schools of Religious Education, formed by the decision of the Minister of Education, Dr. Khalifa Al-Sarwi, headed by Dr. Fawzi Al-Ghariani, Director of the Religious Education Department at the Ministry - 2015

4.         Promotion to the rank of lecturer, as of 17/1/2022.

Research Interests

1.                  Research on “Questions of the Holy Qur’an, Their Jurisprudence and Meanings,” published in the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, the twelfth issue of December 2021.

2.                  Research on “Debt and its Impact on the Actions of Those Obligated,” published in Al-Tibyan Magazine, Issue Fourteenth, September 2022.

External Activities

1.      .           Assignment of Islamic guidance by the Religious Affairs and Endowments, Tripoli Branch, including the Baqi Mosque and other mosques, from 9/26/2011 to 4/2020

2.      .           Assignment of the duties of a Friday sermon at the Great Fashloum Mosque on 10/16/2011 until the end of the month of 12/201

3.      .           Radio interviews on the “Basair for People” program on Al-Iman audio channel in 2011, and the “Nabd Al-Hayat” program on Libya Al-Hurra TV.

4.      .           Participation in lectures on Islamic faith in the Shari’a session at Al-Anqudi Mosque from 1/26/2013 to 25/7/2013, under the supervision of the Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Unit in Tripoli, the center.

5.      .           Open Month Lectures at the University of Tripoli, Rasheed Kaabar Amphitheater, 8/2015.           


Journal Article

أسعد الهمالي اللافي إبراهيم (12-2021)
مجلة بحوث العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية, 12(12), الصفحات 275-286
أ. أسعد الهمالي اللافي إبراهيم (9-2022)
مجلة التبيان قسم الدراسات الإسلامية كلية الأداب, 14(14), الصفحات 49-73