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Dr. Mohammed Alzzaedi

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Islamic Studies
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


A faculty member in the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts, Tripoli. Professor Muhammad Al-Zaidi has been working as an assistant professor at the University of Tripoli since 2020, and he has many scientific publications in his field of specialization.


I was appointed as a faculty member in the Department of Islamic Studies by University President Resolution No. (388) for the year 2010 AD, at the rank of Assistant Lecturer, and started work on 09/02/2010 AD. Then the degree of lecturer on 01/10/2016. Then an assistant professor on 11/27/2020 AD. It opened the window for me to deal with postgraduate studies, so I started teaching in it from the month of 12/2021 AD until now, and I discussed four theses, and I am now supervising a master’s thesis.

Research Interests

I have researches: (1) A look at dismissal - Tributaries of Knowledge Journal - Al-Zaytouna University - Tarhuna 2015 AD. (2) Among the provisions of food and drink - Academic Research Journal, Misurata 2020 AD. (3) Among the provisions of oaths and vows - Al-Madad Journal - Al-Zaytoonah University - Tarhuna 2020 AD. (4) From the rules of hunting - Al-Qirtas Magazine - Tripoli 2020 AD. And I participated in the first international scientific conference: “Higher Education between Scientific Research, Teaching and Community Service” with a research paper entitled: “Treatment of the phenomenon of spelling weakness and poor handwriting among students” - Al-Zaytoonah University - Tarhuna on 09/02/2022 AD. And I participated in the first scientific symposium: “Shari’a Dress: Controls and Societal Reality” under the slogan: “We Adorn Our Identity”, with a paper entitled: “The Muslim Woman’s Dress: Its Concept and Rules in Islamic Sharia” - Islamic Call College - Tripoli on 01/16/2023 AD.

External Activities

I cooperated with the Awqaf on the position of the imam of the Moaz Bin Jabal Mosque from 1999 AD to 2013 AD in the eastern plateau of Tripoli.