Prof. Mustafa Altabeeb

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of psychology
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


 He works as a faculty member in the department and has assumed the following tasks:Head of the Department of Classroom Teacher, Faculty of Education, TripoliDean of the Faculty of Education Tripoli 2015/2016Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, 2020Head of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Languages 2023/2024


Working on the position of teaching assistant at the university from 1993 to 1996

Working on the position of professor at the university from 1997 to present

Head of the Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Arts

Coordinator of Graduate Studies at the Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Arts

Research Interests

1-  The Sixth Conference of the Deans of the Faculties of Arts in Arab Universities - Lebanon - Tripoli - Jinan University, 21-22 April 2007, the title of the research "The quality of higher education in Libya from the point of view of university faculty members".

2. The First Scientific Conference, The Future of Education in the Arab World in the Light of the Information Revolution - Jerash University - Faculty of Educational Sciences: 1-3 April 2008 "

3. Annual Conference of the Department of Fundamentals of Education - Faculty of Education - Zagazig University - 5-6- May- 2009

4. The Sixth Annual Conference at the Department of Psychology - Faculty of Arts - Tanta University - Egypt for

External Activities

  Supervision of master's theses:

Supervising a number of master's theses, some of which were discussed and others are still in research. Misurata University/ Libyan Academy for Graduate Studies

·        Discussion of scientific theses:

Discussing a number of scientific theses in the field of specialization (psychology) at the Libyan Academy, University of Tripoli, Al-Marqab University, Zawiya University, Misurata University, and Benghazi University.

·        Secret evaluation of university theses

·        Evaluation of scientific production for publication in scientific journals and research

·        Training courses in which he participated as a lecturer and


Conference paper

أ.د مصطفى عبد العظيم الطبيب (3-2023)
المؤتمر العلمى السادس للجمعية التونسية للتاطير التربوى للموهوبين