Ms. Dalal Aghel

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Translation
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Mrs.Dalal Yousef Ahmed Aqeel has been a teaching assistant in the Department of Translation since 2012. She has had special role for eleven years inside and outside the university campus. Among Mrs. Dalal Yousef Aqeel’s duties is the responsibility of preparing graduation certificates and the department’s archives, working diligently with studies and exams in the department, in addition to the responsibility of monitoring on the days of the midterm and final exams.

In 2013, for two consecutive semesters, she was brilliantly able to teach the phonetics course in the translation department.

In the year 2023, she obtained a master’s degree in English language, specifically specializing in applied linguistics.

In the same year, she was reappointed as a permanent faculty member in the Translation Department of the College of Languages.

Now, Ms. Dalal Yousef Aqeel is responsible for teaching five main subjects in the Translation Department: Comprehension 1, Writing 2, Diction skills, General Research Methods, and Semantics.


At first, Mrs. Dalal Yousef Ahmed Aqeel was appointed as a teaching assistant in the Department of Translation since 2012. She had special positions for eleven years inside and outside the university campus.

In 2013, for two consecutive semesters, she was able to teach the Phonetics course in the Dranslation Department.

In the year 2023, she obtained a master’s degree in English language, specifically specializing in Applied Linguistics.

In the same year, she was reappointed as a permanent faculty member in the Translation Department of the College of Languages.

Research Interests

Mrs. Dalal Youssef Aqeel obtained her master’s degree through careful research related to developing education in Libya, especially teaching the English Language ,she was interested in the Issues  of Implementing the English language at Rural primary Schools of Libya (with special focus on Al-Assabaa Schools)

She presented a copy to the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education in Libya, Dr. Masouda Al-Aswad, and the important items were discussed together.

She is now working on presenting a research paper aims to improve English language teaching and learning.

External Activities

Mrs. Dalal Youssef Aqeel was working as a teacher in the public sector for the secondary stage for over a year - 2011 - while continuing her participation in several English language teaching centers in Tripoli: the University of Altawasol,  Al-Qasabi Language Center, and Al-Diyaa Institute.

During the end of the year 2012, Mrs. Dalal Youssef Aqeel cooperated with the British Council and was trained as a certified trainer for English language teachers in Libya, where she presented several voluntary workshops in various regions inside Tripoli from 2013 to 2015.