• َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Business Administration Management
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


D. Ahmed Sharif is one of the staff members in the department of management in the faculty of Economic and political sciences at the University of Tripoli, He is works as teacher in the undergraduate and postgraduate stages in the faculty, he also supervises the scientific supervision of graduation projects, and also works as an evaluator of many Master theses and scientific productions, and also participated in organizing many workshops related to the field of his interest


D. Sharif started his careers as a staff member in the department of management in the faculty with the degree of assistant lecturer in 27-2-2001 and gets the degree of lecturer in 11-5-2010, and gets the degree of assistance professor in 1-10-2014, and then gets the degree of associate professor in 12-5-2019.    

Research Interests

D.Sharif's research interests are in the areas of business administration and particular in the field of quality management, marketing, human resources management and scientific research methods 

External Activities

D. Sharif participated in teaching some courses in other educational institutions and evaluating research and scientific theses. the doctor also worked on granting training courses to many government organizations in many areas of modern trends in the business administration programs, he also worked as a delegate of the faculty at the international cooperation office at the University of Tripoli. the doctor also works as an organizational structures preparer and designer to many organizations. the doctor shared several committees related to receiving and handling operations at the municipal councils of the Ministry on local government.