Mr. Nasser Khalifa

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Business Administration Management
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


Mr. Nasser Masoud was appointed as teaching assistant for the year 1986

The status was changed in 1995 to that of a faculty member after obtaining a master’s degree

Promoted to the rank of lecturer in 1997 

Name: Nasser Masoud Al Mabrouk Khalifa

Nationality: Libyan

Place and date of birth: Al-Rayina - 1964

Marital status: Married


Address: Salah al-Din - Tripoli. 

Tel: 00218912123322


• Arabic

• English




• Pre-university education: high school, 1978 - 1981

• Bachelor of Education and Psychology, University of Tripoli, 1981-1985

• Master of Business Administration, Webster University, London 1992-1994

 Administrative tasks:

 - June 1986 AD - now: University of Tripoli.

-Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Department of Business Administration.

- January 1995 - December 1997: Real Estate Savings and Investment Bank.

-Director of the Savings and Real Estate Investment Bank - Tripoli.

 - January 2001 - December 2004: National Corporation for Supply Commodities.

-Member of the management committee of the National Corporation for Supply Commodities.

-Secretary of the Management Committee of the National Corporation for Supply Commodities.

 - January 2005 - December 2007: Roads and Bridges Authority - Tripoli.

- Director of the Roads and Bridges Authority - Tripoli.

 - January 2005 - December 2008: Nation Bank.

- Member of the Board of Directors.

 - January 2008 – December 2011: Republic Bank. 

- Member of the Board of Directors.

Courses and workshops 

 Attending many courses, seminars and scientific conferences in the field of specialization.


Mr. Nasser Masoud was appointed as teaching assistant for the year 1986

The status was changed in 1995 to that of a faculty member after obtaining a master’s degree

Promoted to the rank of lecturer in 1997

Research Interests

Participation in economic and economic development teams and seminars in the areas of planning organized by state institutions.

External Activities

Participation in economic and economic development teams and seminars in the areas of planning organized by state institutions.