Prof. amer aboudaya

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Business Administration Management
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


أmer ashour ahmed aboudia he obtained  master degree in administration from the academy of graduate studies and economic in Tripoli-- he obtained his PhD in business administration from the higher institute of management ( university of Tunis) ---appointed as faculty  member at faculty of economics----- department of management----- university of Tripoli since 1997----translated number of specialized training courses in human resources and report writing ----and he is the author of several scientific papers namely ----research paper entitled (human resource development as atool for career development)  presented to the symposium (modern trens in administrative development and improving the quality of organizational performance------ tanga --morocco -12-14-4-2009.


 appointed as faculty member at the faculty of economics- department of management- university of Tripoli since 1997-lectuer -and assistance lecturer since 2001--and he work assistance professor since 2010--and associate professor in 2015-- and professor since 2022-.

Research Interests

حhe had interest in human resources and plaining study -and interest in role in human development--- administrative leaders---- and he interest in the role of organization and work study and work methods in simplifying  procedures-- and interest about information technology--.

External Activities

حhe is member in association alafaq scientific ---- and he is member in Libyan association of scientific management


Conference paper

Journal Article

أ.د عامر عاشور احمد ابودية (1-2024)
ا.د عامر عاشور احمد ابودية (1-2024)