Dr. Laila Morghem

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Financial planning
  • Faculty of Economy and Political Sciences



All since 2020


The beginning of work upon appointment in 2008 was in the study and exams department with its staff, with the help of the system's staff in preparing and reviewing graduation certificates from the college, and then working as a lecturer for a number of specialized subjects in the financial planning department, with academic supervision of university students, and supervising graduation projects.

Participate in the evaluation of a number of scientific researches with the research and Consulting Center at the University.


A faculty member of the department, assigned to head the Department for a short period of time due to traveling to complete studies abroad to obtain a doctoral degree, and now a faculty member of the Department.

Research Interests

Financial planning and financial analysis, preparation of planning budgets, economic development, human development, inclusive economic growth, topics of international migration.

External Activities

Assessor of a number of graduation projects for university students in Libya with the research and Consulting Center to choose the best graduation project.


Conference paper

داليا علي منصور , ليلى التوهامي مرغم (3-2022)
المؤتمر الليبي الدولي لتقنية المعلومات والاتصالات - كلية الهندسة , 2(0)

Journal Article

Laila Touhami H Morghem, Khawlah Ali Abdalla Spetan (6-2020)
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 10(2), pp. 6-19
داليا علي محمد منصور , ليلى التوهامي حسين مرغم (3-2021)
جامعة طرابلس, 3(3)
ليلى التهامي حسين مرغم (6-2023)
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا, 53(15), الصفحات 106-120
ليلى التهامي مرغم, داليا علي منصور (1-2023)
المجلة الاكاديمية المفتوحة للعلوم التطبيقية والانسانية, 1(4), الصفحات 21-33
ليلى التهامي مرغم (1-2022)
مجلة البحوث والاستشارات الاقتصادية, 1(4), الصفحات 81-97
ليلى التهامي مرغم, داليا علي منصور (6-2023)
African Journal of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (AJASHSS), 2(2), الصفحات 680-691
ليلى التهامي مرغم, داليا علي (12-2021)
Al academia journal for Basic and Applied Sciences (AJBAS), 3(3), الصفحات 1-17
حنان محمد عبود, ليلى التهامي مرغم (5-2024)
The North African Journal of Scientific Publishing (NAJSP), 2(2), الصفحات 61-72