Department of Biology

Word Of the Head Department of Biology

Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets and messengers, our master Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Sadiq Al-Amin, and after..

    On behalf of myself and on behalf of my fellow faculty members, teaching assistants, and technicians in the department, at the Faculty of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir, University of Tripoli, I welcome you.

    Biology is considered one of the most important natural sciences used by man and has been researched since time immemorial, and biology has a great role in many fields, especially those that directly and vitally affect human life. many.

    The Department of Biology seeks to achieve the visions and goals of the university in education, scientific research and community service with highly qualified graduates who keep pace with the requirements of the labor market so that they can contribute in their role to the advancement of this country.

    And a desire to raise the level of the student and to achieve development and quality and taking into account the requirements of the Libyan labor market, the department is working on developing its academic programs at the undergraduate level and work is underway to develop a postgraduate program in line with the next stage.

in conclusion..

    We ask God Almighty for success to serve everyone in what he loves and pleases, and our last prayer is that praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.


Excellence in preparing and qualifying specialists in the fields of biology, in line with contemporary scientific developments, as a contribution to meeting the requirements of development, community service and scientific research.


Rehabilitation of specialized cadres scientifically and professionally in the field of biology through the provision of distinguished scientific programs that are consistent with quality standards and meet the requirements of the labor market.


1- Preparing national cadres and scientific competencies necessary for the research and educational process.

2- Graduating scientific cadres specialized in the field of biology and its various branches to meet the needs of the college

     And the corresponding colleges and research centers.

3- Provide students with sufficient theoretical, practical and technical information available to enable them to work

     In a correct and correct manner in their field of scientific specialization after graduation.

4- Contribute to the dissemination of knowledge as it is to serve the community and raise the efficiency of specialists in the field of science

     Biology through continuous training and rehabilitation.

5- Conducting scientific studies and specialized research in various fields of biology and exchanging experiences with

     The corresponding scientific and research bodies according to a well-studied plan.

6- Contribute positively to solving some of the problems facing the community and its development in the area of competence of the department

    With the participation of faculty members in some specialized committees and active participation in seminars and conferences

     scientific studies at home and abroad.

7- Paying attention to studying some of the problems and phenomena related to the environment, such as pollution, desertification and drought, and finding ways  to solve it.

Organizational Structure for Department of Biology

Facts about Department of Biology

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



