Department of Biology

Word Of the Head Department of Biology

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

(And above every knowledgeable one is a more knowledgeable one)

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of messengers, our master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.

As for what follows:

It is my pleasure to start by thanking the faculty members who preceded me in assuming the chairmanship of the department, and who had the credit, after God Almighty, in developing the department until it reached what it has reached now.

I also do not miss the opportunity to thank all the staff of the department, from faculty members, assistants, and technicians, for what I have felt and felt from fruitful and constructive cooperation in order to succeed the educational process. I hope that God Almighty will guide me in managing the department and fulfilling my duty and that I will be at the good expectation of everyone in completing the development of the department and its advancement.

Starting from the fact that education is the effective tool for preparing the human forces necessary to achieve economic, social, and cultural development, and that investment in the field of education is an investment in long-term human capital, therefore developed countries have been keen to educate their children and acquire them the necessary knowledge and skills to invest in their most precious wealth, namely the minds of their children.

Whereas the Department of Biology is considered one of the leading and extensive departments in the College of Education, affiliated to the University of Tripoli, and one of the most prominent features of this department is what it offers of studies that specialize in the diversity of living organisms and their evolution, and the difference in the biological and environmental systems in which they live, relying in their teaching on what is possible of modern sciences and technology to keep pace with the development of the era and in accordance with the course of modern life.

From here, the Department of Biology is distinguished as a four-dimensional specialization for its interest in zoology, botany, microbiology, and ecology, and everything related to other sciences, both theoretical and applied, and the fields of modern technologies. We have worked in the Department of Biology to continue updating its sciences and curricula to keep pace with the rapid development in various branches of this science, and thus the Department of Biology has become a solid scientific institution thanks to the efforts of our qualified professors, and the perseverance of the assistants and technicians of our department, uniting all difficulties in order to devote themselves to work and sincerity in endless giving in order to enrich the scientific and cognitive culture of our students with all scientific means and modern technologies, and all this in order to create a generation of teachers, researchers, and technicians, and to be at a high level of competence, experience, and skill to contribute to the advancement of our country.

I am also pleased to explain that the faculty members work in a team spirit and do not spare their efforts in guiding the student and guiding him and taking his hand throughout his studies. It is important to note that the academic department represents the first administrative unit and the basic building block in the organizational structure of the university, as no university can fulfill its mission and achieve its goals except through the academic departments. Therefore, the Department of Biology strives to be an administrative unit with distinctive features and lofty goals through the application of the laws and instructions of the university, its regulations and systems, with accuracy and integrity, in a way that reflects positively on the outputs of the department of specialized cadres with high skills that contribute effectively to building the society. The mission of the department stems from the vision, mission, and strategy of the university, which works and aims to serve the community in graduating distinguished generations with high scientific competence capable of facing the future and meeting the requirements of the labor market, as well as enjoying a spirit of loyalty and belonging to its community, country, and nation.

The curriculum offered by the department includes a set of advanced and diverse scientific programs in the fields of life sciences, and the topics studied in the Department of Biology qualify graduates to work as biologists wherever the need for them arises in the fields of work, especially the field of teaching in the Ministry of Education, as well as the medical, agricultural, and industrial fields, and providing the student with the knowledge, skills, and experiences that qualify him to work after graduation to work in the private and public sectors.

The department still aspires for the best to improve the level of academic education in this dear homeland, with the help of God first, and then with the support and efforts of those in charge and responsible and loyal in the university and the college.


The department aims to support the nation-building process by providing qualified personnel through educational programs and preparing distinguished individuals culturally, scientifically, research-wise, and professionally to meet the requirements of the job market. The department also seeks to improve and develop the quality standards of its programs through continuous review of its plans, objectives, and mission to keep up with the continuous changes in the needs of society.


The Biology Department strives to deliver a noble and sacred message, which is to graduate highly competent personnel of specialized teachers in science and education, and prepare them to work in the fields of education and life sciences with its various branches.


The training of personnel to integrate them into society and state institutions with scientific and technical expertise in the field of life sciences and the development of scientific, health, and environmental institutions. Developing and updating scientific curricula in both theoretical and practical aspects. Enhancing scientific competencies and performance among faculty members, researchers, and students. Adopting modern techniques in practical laboratories. Finding solutions to contemporary environmental problems. Understanding and studying prevalent disease-causing factors in our environment and society, and finding successful solutions to them. Collaborating with various government departments to improve the health, environmental, industrial, and agricultural reality by providing scientific expertise and research results for practical implementation. Working to create an environment and work relationships that enhance a sense of belonging to the department, the college, and the community. Establishing and promoting the principles, concepts, and practices of quality among all department members. Maximizing the use of modern technological resources and information technology to develop cognitive and research capabilities in the field of biology and its teaching methods.


Serious and high professionalism

Commitment and competence

 Organized teamwork

Organizational Structure for Department of Biology

Facts about Department of Biology

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



