الأمن المائي في ليبيا وسُبل تحقيقه


  • سليمان صالح سليمان الباروني


water sustainability, water resources, challenges, measures


The general understanding of the water sustainability is to ensure reliable sources of water suitable for human consumption and to fulfill the various water needs qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Consequently, it should be taken into an account the water rights and the principle of equal opportunity for the different sectors of the society without jeopardizing this precious source of life for the future generations. Water interruption as well as shortages may lead to serious risks that may negatively impact the population livelihood and lead to breaches of national security. Moreover, such risks may lead to the spread of diseases, pandemic, famine, and the disruption of the peace and the tranquility of the society. Water is regarded as one of the most important factors for the social and economic development and stability for any given society and hence water is viewed as a priority and a strategic goal. The availability of potable clean water will remain as a problematic obstacle for the development plans for many nations, in particular in arid and semi-arid parts of the planet such as in Libya. Some studies revealed that problem of water scarcity and shortage in Libya will head to the worse which will make the water situation more convoluted. Therefore, joint efforts and actions must be taken to face and sooth these challenges and find the long-term solutions to curb the problem through proper water management systems. Such solutions should include public awareness programs through the local media. These programs should include water saving tips and taking all the measures to protect the aquifer from all types of pollutants and excessive pumping.




How to Cite

سليمان صالح سليمان الباروني (2024) “ الأمن المائي في ليبيا وسُبل تحقيقه”, The Libyan Journal of Science, 27(1). Available at: http://uot.edu.ly/journals/index.php/ljs/article/view/951 (Accessed: 12 February 2025).