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Dr. faiza EL BASHA

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Departmenat of Criminal Law
  • faculty of Law



All since 2019


 faiza El basha is a faculty member in the criminal department at the Faculty of Law, Tripoli. Mrs. Faiza El basha has been working at the University of Tripoli as an associate professor since 09/2003 and has many scientific publications in her field of specialization.scientific certificates1 Ph.D. from Cairo University, Faculty of Law, 2001, entitled Transnational Organized Crime, a comparative study, which I passed with a very good grade. Thesis was exchanged with Egyptian and foreign universities.2- Master’s degree from the University of Garyounis, entitled “Criminal Policy in Drug Crimes, with a grade of very good and a recommendation for publication.3- Bachelor of Law and Diploma in Criminal Law, University of Garyounis, Bengari, currently.


Head of the Criminal Law Department - University of Tripoli, from 2017 to date.

A faculty member at the University of Tripoli since 2003, and a collaborator with Libyan universities (the Academy of Security Sciences Tripoli - the Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies - Tripoli and Misrata)

President of the Libyan Society for Human Rights, which was established in 2007 AD, and was renamed in 2017 AD as the Libyan Society for Human Rights and Scientific Research.

Vice President of the Libyan Society for Criminal Law, established in 2019.

Research Interests

Criminal justice

Women's issues


External Activities

Executive Director of the Domestic Violence Project, funded by the Future Foundation, Jordan, sponsored by the Wa'tasmo Association, 2009.

Participation in the Violent Extremism Project Evaluation Study 2019 - Sponsored by Monash University, Australia and UN Women 3- Creation of a legal database for the Libyan security sector Implemented under the auspices of the Geneva Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces, launched by Switzerland, an international organization dedicated to promoting good governance in the security sector. During the period from February 2 to April 15, 2019


Conference paper

Journal Article

فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (3-2005)
مجلة الجامعي _ النقابة العامة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس الجامعي بدولة ليبيا , الصفحات 5-28
فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (9-2010)
مجلة الجامعة الاسمرية _ زليتن , الصفحات 29-40
فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (12-2004)
مجلة الجامعة الاسمرية _ زليتن , 4(2004), الصفحات 219-256


فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (1-2013)
مطبعة جامعة القاهرة
فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (1-2001)
مكتبة طرابلس العلمية العالمية , 1(2001)
فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (1-2002)
دار النهضة العربية , 2(2002)
فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (1-2013)
مطبعة جامعة القاهرة , 1(2013)
فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (1-2021)
دار النهضة العربية , 1(2003)
فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (1-2013)
مطبعة جامعة القاهرة , 1(2013)
فائزة يونس محمد الباشا (7-2020)
, 1(2020), الصفحات 5-176