Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Word Of the Head Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

I am pleased and honored to write these introductory words about the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tripoli, on behalf of my fellow faculty members in the department.

The course of biochemistry and molecular biology is considered one of the most important basic medical sciences and one of the most developing and growing, as this scientific branch is one of the dynamic sciences whose scientific discoveries and the development of its technologies do not stop. The importance of this course for the medical student is that it explains and clarifies the chemical reactions that occur in the body and compares them in normal and pathological conditions. Therefore, this course is considered an important basis in building the doctor's knowledge and providing him/her with the tools that help him/her in diagnosing the disease and knowing the chemical basis as well as the molecular basis for the occurrence of the disease and thus knowing the treatment.

Teaching began in the department in the academic year 1974/75 AD. The department teaches four semesters that include the theoretical and practical parts. In the first semester, the student studies an introduction to the course, solutions and their concentrations, pH and buffer solutions, and the chemical composition of vital compounds such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids. In the second semester, the student studies vitamins, enzymes, nutrition, plasma proteins, and hormones. In the third semester, the student studies the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids, and the integration of metabolic pathways and bioenergetics. Finally, in the fourth semester, the student studies an introduction to molecular biology, genetic engineering, clinical enzymes, porphyrin, and bile pigments.


The Department of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine - University of Tripoli aspires to be a center of excellence in the State of Libya, by focusing on what it offers in the fields of teaching biochemistry and molecular biology, what it does in the field of scientific research, and the services it provides to society with high quality that is recognized nationally and globally.


The Department of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine - University of Tripoli is dedicated to providing medical students with an outstanding education in biochemistry and molecular biology, graduating qualified physicians and specialists equipped with the knowledge, skills and values necessary to meet the needs of the country of Libya at a globally recognized level. Through a collaborative team of qualified faculty members.


1. Provide students with basic knowledge of biochemistry concepts and their relationship to health and disease

2. Introducing the basics of biochemistry

3. Introducing the student to the different chemical compositions of the cell, specifically the combinations of fats, vitamins, enzymes and hormones that are important in metabolism and other cellular activities, in addition to studying the compounds related to nutrition and energy.

4. Enabling students to identify the steps and rules of security and safety inside the laboratory to preserve their safety and the environment around them, and also to get acquainted with the pH measuring device, which is very important in measuring the activity of vital processes and identifying any changes in the acid and alkaline balance of different body fluids, as well as getting acquainted with the methods of preparing chemical solutions Different concentrations in various concentrations to be used in different fields in the medical specialty. The course is also concerned with enabling the student to use important devices such as spectrophotometry, chromatography, and electrophoresis of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and nitrogenous bases that are involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids.

5. The student learns about the intermediate pathways such as the Krebs cycle and the urea cycle and ends with linking the general relationship between the metabolic pathways and their relationship to some metabolic diseases resulting from a defect in the metabolic pathways due to various factors, including enzyme inhibitors such as various pesticides, or a defect in the combinations of genes that make enzymes or different hormones, such as disease Types of diabetes.

6. Providing students with basic knowledge of molecular biology concepts and their relationship to health and disease.

7. The student will gain an understanding of the chemical and molecular processes that occur within and between cells.

8. The student will be able to describe and explain the processes and their meaning for the characteristics of living organisms.

9. The student will gain insight into the most important molecular and cell-based methods used today to expand our understanding of biology.

Organizational Structure for Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Facts about Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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