Prof. FAUZI Wahida

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Botany
  • Faculty of Science



All since 2019


FAUZI Wahida is one of the staff members at the department of 5 faculty of 1. He is working as a since 2015-05-17. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest


B.Sc. 1979, Tripoli (Al-faateh) University,Faculty of Science ,Department of Botany.Libya

U.K  Ph.D. University of Wales.(University Colloge of Swansea)

Thesis Title: The effect of Heavy Metals On Marine Phytoplankton.

Languages:Arabic & English

-1992-2008 Member ,Nasser Scientific Committee.

-2002-2004 . Researcher at Marine Biology Research Center.Tripoli-Libya.

-Member , Committee of Marine Science(Libya)

-2002-2004. Adviser in Marine Science  Center.

-1998-1999 Dean,Faculty of Science.

- 2002-2008 Chairman, Department of Botany.


*1987 to date teaching staff member of botany Department.Faculty of Science. University of Tripoli.

*1992_1996Secerary General. Syndication of Universities Staff Member.

*1994_96. Member of Nationals Uiversities Committee.


Research Interests

Heavy metals concentration in Libyan Seaweeds.

 Assessment of Antioxidation activity and Phenolic content of some Marine Algae  from  the  Libyan Coast. 

 Prelimnary study of agar extraction from red algae at Tripoli shore.  

 Screening of antibacterial activity in marine green, red and brow   macroalgae from the western coast of Libya .

Heavy Metals Variation in Seaweeds from Mediterranean Libyan Coast

In vitro antibacterial activity of alkaloid extracts from green, red and brown macroalgae from western coast of Libya 

Coures Taught

General Botany / Biology student.

General Botany / Medicine ,Veterinary and ,Agriculture student.

Interoductory Phycology / Botany student.

Marine Algae / Botany student.

 Applied Phycology(Graduate Course).

External Activities

***I was called on as an external examinar for M.Sc. Degrees several times.


Journal Article

رانية محمد كافو, فوزي علي اوحيدة, عبدالله عاشور المنصوري (3-2010)
, 1(11)