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Dr. maryouma enaami

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Statistics
  • Faculty of Science



All since 2019


Maryouma Enaami is one of the staff members at the department of 7 faculty of 1. She is working as a since 15.6.2000. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several publications in the field of his interest. and is currently an assistant professor, and he has many scientific publications in the field of applied statistics. 


Maryoum Enaami obtained a bachelor’s degree in statistics from the College of Sciences, University of Tripoli in 1998, and became a teaching assistant in the Statistics Department, College of Sciences in 2000, and obtained a master’s degree from the Statistics Department, College of Sciences in 2005, and a Ph.D. from Sultan Idris University in Malaysia in 2012.

Research Interests

Maryouma Enaami, a faculty member in the Statistics Department, College of Science, University of Tripoli, taught several courses in the department, including the principles of statistics, mathematical statistics, linear models, operations research, non-parametric methods, and some decisions in the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Life Sciences, the Department of Earth Sciences, and the Biostatistics course in the Medical Colleges as well as the College Engineering, College of Education and other colleges. She has supervised many graduation projects for undergraduate students in the department.

External Activities

She taught several courses outside the College of Science, including the College of Engineering, the College of Education, the College of Medicine, the College of Pharmacy, and the College of Arts

Participated in the first statistics conference 2005, University of Tripoli

Supervisor and trainer of courses to raise efficiency in the field of statistics using the statistical package SPSS 


Journal Article

Maryouma E Enaami, Rida M khaga, Mustafa A Almahmodi, Fauzia A taweab (9-2019)
ASJP المجلة العربية للنشر العلمي, 11(0), pp. 144-156
فاطمة حسين عقيل, مريومة النعمي, فوزية التويب (4-2022)
المجلة الدولية للعلوم و التقنية - ISTJ - International Science and Technology Journal, 29(0), الصفحات 1-24
Rabia Alghazeer , Maryouma Enaami , Abdurrahman Rhuma1, Nadia Alghazir, Eenas Aboulmeedah, Sana Elgahmasi, Zohra Almukthara (7-2019)
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 7(2019), pp. 51-69