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Prof. Nadia Elmabsut

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Training
  • Faculty of Physical and Sport Sciences {PESPS}



All since 2019


Nadia Al-Mabsout is a faculty member in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the College of Physical Education. Mrs. Nadia Al-Mabsout has been working at the University of Tripoli since she was a Teaching Assistant in 1997 until she obtained the degree of Professor in 2021. She has many scientific publications in her field of specialization. Coordinator of Graduate Studies in the Training Department 2022 to the present time. Coordinator of the Gymnastics Division in the Department. From 2021 to the present time. I supervised many graduation projects for undergraduate students and supervised master's theses discussions


Teaching Assistant, 1997

Assistant Lecturer 1999

Lecturer 2009

Assistant Professor 2013

Associate Professor 2017

Professor 2021

Research Interests

Philosophy of physical education

sports training

Training (artistic gymnastics)


External Activities

Participation in scientific conferences

Participation as a coach in festivals and sports shows

Participation in a training course (aerobic gymnastics) in the Arab Republic of Tunisia


Conference paper

نادية عبدالله محمود المبسوط (1-2020)
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثالث لكلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة , 1(0), الصفحات 399-404
هالة مسعود البارومني, انتصار عامر عبدالله العزابي, نادية عبدالله محمود المبسوط (1-2020)
جامعة طرابلس, الصفحات 237-243