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Dr. mohamed alhdad

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Physical Education (Teaching)
  • Faculty of Physical and Sport Sciences {PESPS}



All since 2019


 Dr. Mohamed Bashir Al-Haddad is a lecturer at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences since 02-09-2007 and I have taught several subjects in the field of physical education and sports represented in biomechanics, physical fitness, mathematical statistics, and the subject of specialization tests and measurement, and many scientific publications in the field of my research interests, and beginning as a faculty member in the Department of Physical Education (Teaching) at the University of Tripoli, with the rank of assistant lecturer, lecturer, assistant professor, and associate professor,I work full-time in the college, supervisor and discussant of many university graduation projects, supervisor and discussant of some master's theses within the college, and I have some scientific publications in some scientific and refereed journals, as well as a researcher in the field of scientific research statistics in the statistical program (SPSS) for research of graduation projects, master's and doctoral theses. 


The degree of assistant lecturer on 12-3-2006 AD, the degree of lecturer on 11-14-2013 AD, the degree of assistant professor on 7/16/2016, the degree of referred professor on 7/16/2020, coordinator of studies and examinations in the Department of Physical Education (Teaching) for the academic year 2013/2014 AD, Head of the Study and Examinations Department at the College from the date 2014/2015 to the academic year 2017, Head of the Postgraduate Studies Department in the Department of Physical Education (Teaching) from Fall 2018/2019 to Spring 2022

Research Interests

Interest in tests and measurement as a teaching subject and as a field of scientific research, and interest in mathematical statistics in the field of scientific research and its applications on the statistical program (SPSS).

External Activities

Member and trainer of the Libyan Association for Curricula and Teaching Strategies.


Conference paper

نهاد ابوبكر الفيتوري عريبي, هالة مسعود محمود الباروني, محمد بشير محمد الحداد (12-2021)
جامعة طرابلس, 31(2021), الصفحات 155-175