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Dr. Mohamed elmozoogy

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Faculty of Sharia Sciences - tajoura



All since 2019


Mr. Muhammad Khalil Al-Mazoghi works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Sharia Sciences - Tajoura, Department of Fundamentals of Religion, and that is since he joined the university in the year 2019 AD. Mr. Muhammad Khalil Al-Mazoghi works to teach subjects in the field of hadith science and jurisprudence. Mr. Mohamed Khalil Al-Mazoghi has combined years of experience between teaching and research.

He is now serving as Head of the Quality Department in the faculty.


Before Mr. Mohamed Khalil Al-Mazoghi joined the University of Tripoli, he worked in several universities and academic institutions, where he worked as a faculty member at Al-Zaytouna University and held the position of a faculty member there.

He was also interested in scientific research, as he supervised a number of scientific conferences in the field of Sharia sciences, and he has a number of contributions in this field, and a number of research papers published in a number of journals and conferences such as the Al-Zaytoonah University Journal and the Al-Me’yaar Journal, and he currently has a number of papers under evaluation. These researches and papers focus on zakat and endowment funds and their impact on society.

Over the course of (18) years, Mr. Muhammad Khalil Al-Mazoghi did a number of works, as he was the coordinator of the Judicial and Legal Rehabilitation Division at the Judicial Institute, and the Institute’s General Registrar.

A faculty member at Al-Zaytouna Tarhuna University, Department of Islamic Studies, from 2006 to 2019.

Head of the Quality Department at the Higher Institute of Sharia Sciences for the year 2018.

Faculty member at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Sharia Sciences, Tajoura, since 2019.

Head of the Quality Department at the Faculty of Sharia Sciences, Tajoura, since 2019.

Head of the Department of Fundamentals of Religion in charge of the Faculty of Sharia Sciences, Tajoura, since 2019.

Member of the Advisory Committee of the Zakat Fund Office, Tripoli, from 2013 to 2017.

Friday preacher at the Jaafar Al-Tayyar Mosque in the Friday Market, Tripoli, from 2008 to 2018

Member of the Sharia Supervisory Committee of Al-Thiqa Insurance Company since 2015

Chairman of the Sharia Supervision Committee at Al-Thiqa Insurance Company since 2018

Member of the Advisory Committee of the Qutuf Dania Charitable Foundation since 2018

Research Interests

Mr. Muhammad Khalil Al-Mazoghi has a number of research interests, as he is classified as an active researcher in the field of Sharia sciences, and he has a number of publications and books.

External Activities


Journal Article

محمد خليل علي المزوغي (1-2017)
كلية الآداب - جامعة طرابلس, 27(0)
محمد خليل المزوغي (12-2020)
مجلة المعيار / كلية العلوم الشرعية تاجوراء, 1(0), الصفحات 11-30
محمد خليل المزوغي (1-2018)
مجلة كلية الشريعة والقانون _ الجامعة الاسمرية الإسلامية , الصفحات 188-214
محمد خليل المزوغي (6-2018)
مجلة جامعة الزيتونة, 26(2018), الصفحات 107-128


محمد خليل علي المزوغي (10-2021)
كلية العلوم الشرعية - تاجوراء - جامغة طرابلس