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Dr. Taher Msallem

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Religion Principles
  • Sharia Sciences Faculty - Souq Aljuma



All since 2020


After more than three years as a lecturer in the College of Sharia Sciences - Souq Al-Juma;- and after heading the Quality and Performance Department in the year: 2021-2022 AD, a faculty member: Dr. Al-Taher Musallam now works full-time as an assistant professor in the same college, and he is currently heading the Department of Fundamentals of Religion, He also supervises graduation projects for fourth-year students, works as a researcher and lecturer in Sharia and linguistic sciences, has published regularly in international and local journals, and is a member of the college magazine. He worked on a committee reviewing research papers for a conference: “Contemporary Atheism: Causes and Ways of Confrontation.” 2022, and he is also a member of the College Council.


Before joining the University of Tripoli; Dr. Al-Taher Muslim graduated from Abu Dhar Al-Ghafari High School for Sharia Sciences, year: 2000, and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Arts, where he graduated in year: 2004, then he continued his studies in Malaysia, and completed his master’s degree at the Malaysian Islamic Sciences University, year: 2011, Then he continued his studies and began his doctoral studies. Year: 2012, and he obtained his diploma in year: 2018, and after this stage he took up work in the Libyan school, as a teacher of Arabic language and Islamic studies at Al-Manahil Al-Zakhra Oya School, in the “Kajang” region located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia, for the academic year: 2017-2018, for the academic grades: First, second, third, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth.

Research Interests

Dr. Al-Taher Musallam worked on a lot of research, and participated in some conferences, perhaps the most prominent of which is: publishing an arbitrary research in Al-Tibyan Magazine, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, Libya, Issue: Fourteen, entitled: “Muhammad bin Abi Zaminin Al-Andalusi Al-Maliki (d.: 399 AH) ) and his methodology in his book: Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an”, September / 2022, and an arbitrary research was published in Al-Rayhan Magazine, (RJSP), in Turkey, Issue: Twenty-sixth, entitled: “Muhammad bin Abi Zaminin Al-Andalusi Al-Maliki (d.: 399 AH) and his hadith work in His book: “Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an”, August / 2022. An arbitrated research was published in the Comprehensive Electronic Journal (MECSJ), in Jordan, Issue: Fifty-one, entitled: “The Prophet’s Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an between Quantity and Quality,” July 2022, and an arbitrator was published in the Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing (AJSP), in Jordan, Issue: Forty-second, entitled: “Little Homosexuality; A Critical Hadith Study,” April, 2022, and a peer-reviewed research was published in Al-Qanater Journal, the Journal of International Islamic Studies, entitled: “The Most Important Sharia Duties and Scientific Necessities in Verifying and Studying Hadith Manuscripts,” Issue Seventh, Number: Second, 2017, He participated in the First International Manuscripts Conference, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia, year: 2016, entitled: “The Most Important Sharia Duties and Scientific Necessities in the Field of Studying and Verifying Hadith Manuscripts,” and participated in the International Fatwa Conference, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia, year: 2016, entitled: “ Jurisprudential opinions on copying the Qur’an with the Sunnah of the Prophet.” He also published an arbitrary research in the Journal of Research and Sharia Studies in Egypt, issue: twenty-six, entitled: “Abd al-Rahman al-Tha’alabi and his approach in his book Riyad al-Ans fi ‘ilm al-Saraqiyyah and the biography of the people of facts,” year: 2014.

External Activities

over the years of demand; until appointment at the University of Tripoli; Dr. Al-Taher Musallam carried out many educational activities, including, in summary: Teaching the Noble Qur’an in Al-Sharif Mosque, years: 2000-2006, and he was a member of the arbitrator in the Quranic competition held by the University of Tripoli, Libya, April, 2022, and he participated in a workshop via the network On the application: “Zoom”, entitled: “Islamic studies and their role in controlling the transformation processes towards digital life in light of global health crises”, which was broadcast from the Malaysian University of Malaya: on: 11-5-2021,he also obtains a training certificate for preparing auditors according to the standards of quality assurance and accreditation, issued by the National Center for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Educational and Training Institutions, corresponding to: from 23 to 30/12/2020, with 25 training hours, and was chosen as an arbitrator in the (Wortle) competition held by Management of the Libyan School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, year: 2018, and he also obtains a certificate in listening and reciting for the books Al-Ikhlas and Al-Niyat, and Defamation of Transgression by Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, by Sheikh Al-Majiz Prof. Dr.: Najm Abd Al-Rahman Khalaf, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia, 19 / Jumada Al-Awwal / 1439 AH Corresponding to: 4/2/2018, As well as a license in listening and recitation for my book: Nights and Days, and Al-Omar and Gray by Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, by Sheikh Al-Majeez Prof. Dr.: Najm Abd Al-Rahman Khalaf, University of Malaysian Islamic Sciences, 17 / Jumada al-Akhira / 1439H, corresponding to: 4/3/2018, and another license in listening and recitation. For the book Irshad Al-Sari to explain Sahih Al-Bukhari, by Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Qastalani, by Sheikh Al-Majiz, Prof. Dr.: Najm Abd Al-Rahman Khalaf, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia, 8/ Shaaban / 1437 H, corresponding to: 5/24/2017, and certification in listening and reciting for the book Good Thinking of God Almighty , by Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, by Sheikh Al-Majiz, Prof. Dr.: Najm Abd Al-Rahman Khalaf, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia, 19 / Dhul-Hijjah / 1438H, corresponding to: 9/19/2017, And license to listen and recite my book: Contentment of God with His Decree and Submission to His Command, and Kitab Al-Yaqeen, by Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, by Sheikh Al-Majiz Prof. Dr.: Najm Abd Al-Rahman Khalaf, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia, 17 / Muharram / 1439H, corresponding to: 8/10/ 2017, and license By listening and reciting the Musnad of Imam Ahmad and its trilogies, by Sheikh Al-Majiz, Prof. Dr.: Najm Abd al-Rahman Khalaf, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia, 19/ Dhu al-Qi’dah/ 143H, corresponding to: 22/8/2016, And a certificate in listening and recitation of the book Silence and Etiquette of the Tongue, by Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, by Sheikh Al-Majeez Prof. Dr.: Najm Abd al-Rahman Khalaf, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia, year: 2015, and he also obtained a certificate for the first training course to raise the efficiency of preachers and preachers, corresponding to: 9/22/2012 Organized by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in coordination with the International Company for the Development and Rehabilitation of Institutions, where it was held in the Abu Huraira Mosque, Kashlaf neighborhood, Tripoli, Libya, which included: studying effective communication skills, time management, successful preacher skills, interpersonal skills, public speaking art And recitation, and he was appointed as a Friday preacher at the Ministry of Awqaf, Al-Shurafa Mosque, period: 2010-2016,

He also attended an English language course, year: 2007-2008 AD, at the ELITE Language Center, Tripoli, and he participated in the direct recitation program on the Holy Quran Radio, Tripoli, year: 2003 .


Journal Article

د. الطاهر عبد الرزاق مسلم, أ. أحمد عبد الباقي سعد الهميلي (4-2022)
المجلة العربية للنشر العلمي AJSP, 42(2), الصفحات 658-670
د. الطاهر عبد الرزاق مسلّم (7-2022)
المجلة الالكترونية الشاملة متعددة المعرفة لنشر الأبحاث العلمية والتربوية , 51(1), الصفحات 1-21
د. الطاهر عبدالرزاق الطاهر مسلم (8-2022)
مجلة ريحان للنشر العلمي, 26(1), الصفحات 51-76
الطاهر عبد الرزاق مسلم (9-2022)
مجلة التبيان قسم الدراسات الإسلامية كلية الأداب, 14(0), الصفحات 251-292