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  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Religion Principles
  • Sharia Sciences Faculty - Souq Aljuma



All since 2020


After more than twelve years as a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts at Al-Zawiya University and head of the History Department, then an assistant professor at the Faculty of Sharia Sciences - Souk Al-Juma at the University of Tripoli since 2020; And after heading the Department of Fundamentals of Religion for the year: 2020-2021, and heading the Office of Faculty Members Affairs 2021-2022, the faculty member: Dr. Muhammad Abdul Razzaq Al-Awfi now works full-time (as an associate professor since November 2023) in the same college, He is currently the head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies in the college, and supervises graduation projects for fourth-year students. He works as a researcher and lecturer in Sharia sciences and historical studies. He has published regularly in international and local journals. He is a member of the college magazine, and he is also a member of the college council.

He is currently giving - like the rest of his colleagues - some lectures related to Libyan history, which are organized by the Department: "Research and Consultation" in the college from time to time, and perhaps the most prominent of these topics is; Issues in Libyan History: Presentation and Criticism. In this way, a faculty member: Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Razzaq al-Awfi combined teaching and scientific research for many years, in addition to chairing two main departments in the college and participating in the scientific week.


Before joining Al-Zawiya University and then the University of Tripoli; Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Razzaq al-Awfi graduated from Ain Zara High School in the year: 1994, and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Arts, from which he graduated in the year: 1998, then he continued his studies at the same university, so he completed his master’s degree in the year: 2004, and cooperated as an assistant lecturer at Al-Marqab University In the year 2005, as well as at the University of Misrata 2007-2008, then he joined the University of Al-Zawiya as a faculty member in the year 2008, then he continued his studies and began studying at the stage of a doctorate; Year: 2011, and he obtained his degree in the year: 2014 in Egypt from Benha University.

Research Interests

Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Razzaq al-Awfi worked on a lot of research, and participated in some conferences, perhaps the most prominent of which is: publishing a book in 2008 entitled The Safavid-Ottoman Conflict and its Effects on the Arab East 1514-1555, as well as publishing a scientific research in the state of Egypt entitled “The Twelve Years’ Wars between The Ottomans and the Safavids”, Alam al-Tarbiyyah Magazine, Issue Forty-five, Part One, January 2014. a scientific research rch entitled “The Economic Role in the Ottoman-Safavid Wars during the reign of Shah Abbas the first (1587-1629)” was published, Al-Qalam Magazine, Number Two, 2016.

A scientific research was published, “The Efforts of Shah Abbas the first the Safavids to Transform Trade Routes in the Context of His War with the Ottomans,” Al-Maarefa Magazine, 2016. A scientific research entitled “Refuting the Doctrine of the Safavid-Ottoman Conflict at the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century” was published, Al-Mutaka Magazine, Issue 9, June 2020. A scientific research was published in the Journal of Al-Muttaka, Issue 9, December 2020 AD, entitled "The Safavid Army: Establishment and Modernization (1447-1622)".

A scientific research was published in the Journal of Al-Mutak’a, ​​Issue 9, December 2020, entitled “The Safavid Army: Origins and Modernization (1447-1622).” A scientific research was published in the same magazine, the following issue of 2021, entitled “The Russian-Safavid Convergence and its Impact on the Safavid-Ottoman Conflict during the Shah’s Era Abbas the first (1587-1629 AD). A scientific research was published in the Bani Walid University Journal, Issue Twenty-Three, March 2022. Titled:

“Janissary rebellions and their role in weakening the Ottoman Empire”.

The last research he published is titled The Conquest of Constantinople 857H/1453H: The Reasons. conquest. Results. In the University Forum Magazine, the thirtieth issue, in September 2022.

External Activities

Over the past fifteen years; It was Muhammad Abd al-Razzaq al-Awfi; He carried out a lot of educational and research activities, including, in general: Teaching the subjects of ancient and medieval history, as well as modern and contemporary history, years: 2008-2020, then teaching the subjects of the history of Libya and the Prophet’s voice upon its owner, the best prayers and peace, a course in the English language, my year: 2007-2008, At the ELITE Language Center, Tripoli, and participated in the direct recitation program on the Holy Quran Radio, Tripoli, year: 2003. She also obtained a TOEFL certificate in the English language from Egypt in 2011.


Journal Article

د. محمد عبد الرزاق محمد العوفي, أ. نسرين يوسف العوفي (9-2022)
مجلة المنتدى الجامعي للدراسات الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 30(1), الصفحات 1-28
د. محمد عبد الرزاق محمد العوفي (3-2022)
مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 23(1), الصفحات 50-72
د. محمد عبد الرزاق محمد العوفي (3-2022)
مجلة المنتدى الجامعي للدراسات الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 29(1), الصفحات 114-134
محمد عبد الرزاق العوفي (12-2016)
مجلة المتكأ للدراسات الاستراتيجية والمستقبلية, 2(0), الصفحات 68-80
محمد عبد الرزاق العوفي (12-2019)
مجلة المتكأ للدراسات الاستراتيجية والمستقبلية, 8(0), الصفحات 286-305


محمد عبد الرزاق العوفي (1-2008)
دار الكتب الوطنية بنغازي