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  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Religion Principles
  • Sharia Sciences Faculty - Souq Aljuma



All since 2019


Suhaib Al-Shaibi joined the Faculty of Sharia Sciences - Souk Al-Jumaa, University of Tripoli as an assistant lecturer in 2019. Throughout this period, he carried out many tasks that contributed to the development and advancement of the college, and he used to give awareness lectures within the college to students periodically during the scientific week.

Suhaib served as a member of the scientific committee of the first international conference at the Faculty of Sharia Sciences, entitled (Contemporary Atheism: Reasons and Ways of Confrontation), and was in the scientific committee of the first forum of Libyan universities, entitled: “National Reconciliation Towards One Homeland and One Libyan Nation” 2021.


Upon joining the university, Professor Suhaib Al-Shaibi was assigned to head the Department of Fundamentals of Religion at the Faculty of Sharia Sciences - Souk Al-Jumaa in the period between 2019-2022.

He had traveled to the State of Egypt to complete his studies at Mansoura University, from which he obtained a master's degree in Religions and Islamic groups with an excellent degree, with a recommendation to print the thesis at the expense of the private university in 2016.

Suhaib holds a BA from the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli.

He is currently working as Head of the Research and Consulting Department at the Faculty of Sharia Sciences since 2022, in addition to teaching in the Departments of Fundamentals of Religion and Sharia. Suhaib combined teaching, research, and an attempt to raise the level of students in the field of research.

Research Interests

Suhaib is an active researcher and has published in a number of journals; International, including a research entitled: “Mukhalafat Altaeadudiat Alhizbiat Li'usul Alsiyasat Alshareia,” Dar Al-Athar Al-Masria in 2012, and a research entitled: “Aleamil Aljiusiasiu Wa'atharuh Fi Antishar Almadhhab Al'iibadii Bijabal Nufusa” Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.

He has participated in several conferences, such as the Contemporary Atheism Conference, Reasons and Ways of Confrontation, in which he was a participant in a paper entitled “matharat alghalat fi naqd almaqalat al'iilhadiat” , Faculty of Sharia Sciences - Friday Market, University of Tripoli.

External Activities

In addition to teaching, Suhaib works in the Faculty of Sharia Sciences - Souk Al-Juma’a, in teaching scientific lessons in the city of Tripoli, as an explanation of the original scholarly texts in the Omar bin Abdul Aziz Mosque. He was also a preacher and co-preacher in the General Authority of Endowments, since 2009.

He has conducted scientific and advocacy courses and lectures at the Imam Al-Ajri Center in Berlin, Germany.