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Ms. Shaima Mahgiubi

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Animal Pathology & Clinical Pathology
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine



All since 2019


Shaima Mahgiubi is one of the staff members at the department of 0 faculty of 6. She is working as a since 2016-04-09. She teaches several subjects in her major and has several puplications in the field of her interest.


- Researcher at Biotechnology Research Center (2004 - 2006). 

- Demonstrator at the department of Pathology and Clinical Pathology/ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/University of Tripoli (2006-2007). 

- Postgraduates student at the department of Pathology/Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2008-2011). 

- Lecturer Assistant at the department of Pathology and Clinical Pathology /Faculty of Veterinary Medicine /University of Tripoli(2012 - 2016).

- Lecturer at the department of Pathology and Clinical Pathology/Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/University of Tripoli ( 2016 - now). 

Research Interests

Shaima A.M mahgiubi is interested in working in research related to  study the pathological changes of tissues that are associated with various diseases. 

External Activities

Shaima A.M mahgiubi worked as a research assistant at the department of Pathology/Faculty of Veterinary Medicine /Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 


Journal Article

Asma mohamed elbahi, Shaima A. M. Mahgiubi, Abdurraouf O. Gaja3 (8-2022)
Open Veterinary Journal, 4(12), pp. 519-524