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Ms. Munay khabeez

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Physiology, Biochemistry &Nutrition
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine



All since 2019


Doctor Mona Mohammed Khubeiz has been a faculty member in the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition since 2021 after 2years of being Assistant Lecturer in the department. She also supervises the nutrition laboratory and the conduct of experiments in it.  She was assigned a year ago as the coordinator of studies and examinations in the department.


Doctor Mona worked as an employee at the Ministry of Environment for 3 years, then headed the Microbiology Laboratories Department for another 3 years while started her work in the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition as assistant lecturer for two years, and then she was appointed as a faculty member lecturer until the present time.

Research Interests

Doctor Mona is interested in researching improving the quality of animal diets by using natural additives.

External Activities

participate as evaluator in the Supreme Committee for the registration of medicines, preparations and veterinary supplies, she also worked as assistant Lecturer at the Higher and Intermediate Institute of Agricultural Technology in Gheran for two years.


Journal Article

Omran Ahmed ALGRIANY, Abdelfettah Mohamed SHIRIF, Wafa Moftah ELMGHIRBI1, Gheeda Riyadh BILKHAYR (5-2024)
Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research, 14(3), pp. 204-210

Master Thesis

Mona M. Khubeiz, Abdelfettah M. Shirif (6-2020)
Open Veterinary Journal, 10(2), الصفحات 198-205