Dr. Mohamed Al Sharif

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of English Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


submitted a brief biography d. Muhammad Ashour Muhammad al-Sharif was born in the city of Tripoli on the seventeenth of February in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two. He is a faculty member in the English Language Department at the Faculty of Education at the University of Tripoli with the rank of Assistant Professor and is awaiting the decision to promote me to the rank of Associate Professor. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Arts and Education. From the University of Benghazi in 1984 AD, and obtained a master’s degree in translation from the University of Salford, UK, in 1997 AD, and a PhD in translation from the University of Leeds, Britain, in 2012 AD. Hamad Al-Sharif is a faculty member in the English Language Department at the College of Education, Tripoli. Mr. Mohamed Al-Sharif has been working as a lecturer at the University of Tripoli since 09-12-2012 and has many scientific publications in his field of specialization.


As for my scientific experience, I have been a legal translator since 1995 and a professor of translation and English since 1984 to date, and in private and public universities. To many English language teaching centers Including Tripoli College and Ahed Tariq Al-Sekka to teach languages ​​in Tripoli, and I previously managed a language department English in some of these private and public universities

Research Interests

As for scientific papers and research, I did the following research: . 1. Reading as the first step in translation 2. Classroom management (translated article). . Difficulties facing the application of quality assurance of private university education 3. . 2. Difficulties faced by the student teacher while performing practical education .) Language test (translated article).5 6 . Linguistic problems facing the teaching of reading and comprehension subject from the viewpoint of secondary school teachers. What is the contribution of the secondary school curriculum to achieving the goals of sustainable development? .7As for the latest local and international scientific conferences, I had the honor to participate in the following conferences: 1. The Second International Conference on Education in Libya (Quality in Higher Education) in Misurata, during the period 30-31. 3.2019 2. The first scientific conference of the Faculty of Education at the University of Sirte on exploring the future of the faculties of education in Libyan universities in the light of contemporary global trends. The second international education in Libya during the period 5-7. 10 . 2019. International Conference on Sustainable Development in Tunisia in March 2020

External Activities

As for the latest local and international scientific conferences, I had the honor to participate in the following conferences: 1. The Second International Conference on Education in Libya (Quality in Higher Education) in Misurata, during the period 30-31. 3.2019 2. The first scientific conference of the Faculty of Education at the University of Sirte on exploring the future of the faculties of education in Libyan universities in the light of contemporary global trends. The second international education in Libya during the period 5-7. 10 . 2019. International Conference on Sustainable Development in Tunisia in March 2020