الصعوبات التي تواجه تطبيق ضمان جودة التعليم الجامعي الخاص

تاريخ النشر


نوع المقالة

مقال في مؤتمر علمي

عنوان المؤتمر


Vol. 0 No. 2


محمد عاشور إمحمد الشريف


This study aims at the recognition to the administrative difficulties encounter the application of assurance of quality system of the higher private education. It also, aims at the recognition to the administrative organizational difficulties and on the local level.( the educational institution). The importance of this study can be described in the following: 1.The study concentrates on the difficulties which face applying quality assurance system in higher private education institutions. 2. The present study contributes in assisting officials and decision makers in developing the educational process. The study problem determined in finding an answer to the following question: What leadership and organizational difficulties face applying quality assurance system in higher private education? The study sample consists of (40) staff members who are in charge of quality departments and sections at five private universities. In order to achieve study objectives, the analytical descriptive method was used. In the collection of data related to the study, the researchers depended on a questionnaire designed by Ragad (2014) as a mean for data collection. It consists of two parts. The questionnaire was revised by two experts and the researchers decided to use only (34) items. Dealing with study sample indicated that there were many administrative leadership difficulties encounter applying quality system in the higher private education. The study results showed that there was institutional deficiency related to planning; the objectives weren’t clear and cannot be measured etc. The study also indicated that there was clear deficiency on the organizational level which considered as an institutional administrative dimension. Another deficiency on the guidance level was also found by the study.