Barriers of Teaching Listening Comprehension Skill at Primary Schools Grade 6 in Libya (From English Language Teachers’ Prospectives





Journal title

مجلة كليه التربية طرابلس


Vol. 1 No. 19


Mohamed Ashur Al Sharif,
Hana Abdulsalam Meiteeg
Nejat Ali Mohamed Ghazala


301 - 316


Undoubtedly, that English Language teachers encounter number of challenges while teaching listening skill to young learners. Young learners at primary schools on the other hand, also have their own challenges. Listening is fundamental in learning a second / foreign language, it’s obvious; the problems about listening at schools in general and at primary schools in particular, have recently started to be investigated. This study sought to find out those barriers faced by teachers. The study was grounded of communicative competence theory. The descriptive research design was adopted. To collect the data related to the study, a questionnaire was used through which teachers’ prospectives were highly taken onto consideration. To achieve study objectives, a total of (50) fifty primary schools’ teachers represents (31) schools from the area of Abu- Salim in the city of Tripoli / Libya were randomly selected, and a descriptive analysis of data was done. To highlight the data, a frequency tables were used. This helped to establish the extent to which listening comprehension skill lessons were taught in the classroom. The study pointed out to the English language teachers’ awareness of the importance of listening comprehension skill for a successful communication. It also recommended that teachers should pay more attention to this skill as it is considered to be the most difficult skill among the other language skills. The study also revealed that: - There is no statistical difference between the dimensions of barriers to effective teaching of listening comprehension regarding school type. There is no statistical difference between the dimensions of barriers to effective teaching of listening comprehension regarding experience variable