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  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of History
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Dr..  Magda Al-Sharaa... She assumed several tasks in the Department of History since she was appointed as a Teaching Assistant in the department on October 5, 2003, including a member of the Study and Examinations Committee... in the General Coordinator of Studies and Examinations in the department during the period 2017-2020... Then the tasks followed,  Where she was chosen as an arbitrator and evaluator for many scientific promotions and a secret arbitrator for scientific theses, as well as a permanent committee member in admission and differentiation exams for postgraduate students, and an arbitrator for scientific cinemas.

Supervisor of a number of scientific theses MA.  Ph.D.  Magda Al-Shara is a faculty member in the History Department, Faculty of Arts, Tripoli.  Mrs. Magda Al-Shara has been working as an Assistant Lecturer at the University of Tripoli since 26-04-06 and has many scientific publications in her field of specialization.


Teaching Assistant 2003. 2007

Assistant Lecturer 2007. 2014

Lecturer degree 2014. 2016

Assistant Professor 2017. 2021

Associate Professor 2021. 2025

Research Interests

Presenting serious and solid studies in the field of social and economic history of the countries of the Arab-Islamic world during the medieval historical era.

External Activities

An arbitrator member in a number of global and international scientific forums and journals of interest in history, the most important of which are:

Cannes World Historical Journal.

And Al-Hikma Journal for Studies and Research issued by the University of Justice and Wisdom in the United States of America.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Second Conference on Contemporary Maritime Achievements in the Humanities and Social Sciences... It is organized by the University and Institute of Justice and Wisdom in the United States of America

Member of the arbitration committee in the Ibn Khaldun Journal for Studies and Research issued by the Ibn al-Arabi Center for Culture and Publishing, Gaza, State of Palestine.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Second International Electronic Forum, which was titled Civilizational Manifestations from the History and Antiquities of the Middle Maghreb through Books of New Testaments, Rulings and Hisba... It was held on March 16, 2022, under the auspices of Mohamed University, hosted by M'sila.

Member of the advisory board of Ramah Journal for Research and Studies.  Research and Human Resources Development Center, Amman.  Jordan.

Member of the Advisory Committee of Tobruk University Journal of Social and Human Sciences.


Journal Article

ماجدة مولود رمضان الشرع (10-2020)
المجلة المغربية للدراسات الإنسانية, 1(0), الصفحات 156-175
ماجدة مولود رمضان الشرع (8-2016)
مجلة فكر وإبداع, 103(0), الصفحات 205-220
ماجدة مولود رمضان الشرع (6-2020)
مجلة ليكسوس, 33(0), الصفحات 41-49
ماجدة مولود رمضان الشرع (6-2020)
المجلة العلمية للدراسات التاريخية والحضارية, الصفحات 328-345
ماجدة مولود رمضان الشرع (2-2022)
مجلة ابن خلدون للدراسات والأبحاث, 5(0), الصفحات 194-211

Book Chapter

ماجدة مولود رمضان الشرع (12-2021)
جامعة محمد بوضياف/ المسيلة - الجزائر, الصفحات 187-193