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  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Social Work
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


  1. Aisha Qadmour is a faculty member in the Department of Social Work at the College of Arts
  2.  Assigned as field training coordinator in the department 2009-2010
  3.  Assigned as field training coordinator in the department 2014-2015
  4.  Assigned as field training coordinator in the department 2015-2016
  5.  Assigned as field training coordinator in the department 2016-2017
  6.  Assigned as field training coordinator in the department 2018-20
  7.        In charge of coordinating field training in the spring 2021 department.
  8.         ssigned as the coordinator of studies and examinations at the college / Al-Sawani branch from 2/28/2017 - 7/3/2018.
  9.        Assigned as the coordinator of the Sociology Department for the spring semester of 2018/2019 and the semester of 2019/2020.
  10.       Assigned as Coordinator of Scientific Affairs at the college/branch on 9/25/2022

      11.    Assigned as Coordinator of the Social Service Department in the branch on August 29, 2023, based on the minutes of the Department Council meeting on August 13, 2023.


 1.Social worker at Al-Manar Secondary School, affiliated with Tripoli Education, from 3/1/1988 to 9/8/2006.

2- Faculty member, assistant lecturer, Department of Sociology / Faculty of Arts, Zuwara / Zawia University, from 11/2/2006 AD.

3 -Assistant lecturer in the Department of Social Service / College of Arts, Al-Sawani Branch, University of Tripoli, from 8/14/2007 AD.

4.- Lecturer at the Department of Social Service / Faculty of Arts, Al-Sawani Branch, University of Tripoli, from 7/8/2014 AD.

5-Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Service / Faculty of Arts, Al-Sawani Branch / University of Tripoli from 2/29/2019 AD


Research Interests

professional field and the obstacles it faces, and the influences that differ in the school, such as violence between students, and the school’s relationship with the local community. There is a need to pay attention to the school field for students of the Social Service Department, and social service in spreading the culture of volunteer work in the school, and the level of awareness and response to the Corona virus was also researched. We remind you to study some urgent social issues in isolation centers in light of the Corona epidemic.

External Activities

- Participation in the Third International Conference for Research in the Social Humanities, which was organized by the Scholar Foundation for Studies and Research in Antalya, Turkey, in the period from November 25-26, 2021, with a field study entitled: The level of awareness of the new Corona virus pandemic among students in primary education in Libya.

-Member of the Scientific Committee of the Fifth International Conference (Languages, Translation, Science and Education) (22- LTESS), which he chose in Turkey - to participate in the period from 1-2 August / 2022 in cooperation with the Arab American University - Palestine - and the (Schwlarc) Scholar Worldwide Foundation.

--An awareness lecture entitled (Drugs and their harm to individuals, the family and society), on 1/16/2024 for students of the Higher Institute of Industrial Technology.

 - She is interested in working to activate the role of the social worker in working with groups in educational institutions.


Journal Article

د. عائشة الباشير محمد قدمور (1-2018)
مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقية والانسانية , الصفحات 14-36
د.عائشة الباشير محمد قدمور , د. أحلام احمد علي الحداد , أ. سعاد سعيد فرج الخمسي (3-2022)
مجلة علوم التربية , الصفحات 1-17