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Dr. Mohamed Alshniet

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Translation
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Before travelling to the UK in a scholarship, I have been managing the Studies and Examination unit in the Translation Department. After I finished my scholarship and obtained the PhD degree, I was recently appointed as the Head of the Translation Department at the Faculty of Languages.


Before working as a lecturer in the translation department, I worked in the public education sector for about ten years. After that, I moved to work as a translator in a foreign company. Since 2012, I have joined the University of Tripoli to work as a faculty member in the Faculty of Languages, Translation and Arabization.

Research Interests

Translation Studies 

Discourse analysis

Metaphor Translation 

Political language analysis and political language translation 

External Activities

I have reviewed some academic works that published in peer-reviewed academic journals. I worked as a consultant for an educational company for the purpose of developing its academic programs. I also work as the General Manager of Ahazeej Al-Marefa Company for Training and Development.