Teaching translation in Libyan universities: Translation Department at University of Tripoli as a case study





Journal title


Vol. 29 No. 1


Mohamed E.A. Alshniet


201 - 224


The introduction of translation studies as a distinct academic discipline within Libyan universities is a relatively recent development. However, several Libyan universities have incorporated translation as an independent department within their programs, including the University of Benghazi, the University of Tripoli, the University of Sebha, the University of Al-Jabel Algharabi, and others. Translation Department at University of Tripoli is one of the earliest programs opened in Libya. It was found in 2008. The establishment of the program was a result of pronounced demand of qualified translators in the Libyan market. However, since its establishment the design of the program has not been subject to scientific review to examine its success in achieving the objectives set for when established. This study aims to shed the light on the design of the program and its curricula, in addition to exploring the extent to which the academic program aligns with the continuously evolving demands of the translation market

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