Ms. zeinab albishari

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Fine and Applied arts
  • Faculty of Arts and Design



All since 2019


A faculty member in the Department of Fine Arts, Division of Engraving and Printing, assigned as the head coordinator of the Division of Engraving and Printing for two years 2019/2021. She participated in supervising the public exhibition that was held inside the university in 2018 and 2022. She is still working in the division.


worked MS. Zainab is in the Libyan Antiquities Authority and worked in many departments such as the Department of Archaeological Restoration and restored many marble symmetry in the Red Serail Museum, mosaic slabs and pottery finds that were brought from archaeological sites accompanied by missions from Italian universities, and the library of the Archives House of the Antiquities Authority. Then she completed her academic studies at the Academy of Graduate Studies in Janzour from the School of Fine Arts in 2009 with a very good general grade, and she was appointed to the university in 2013. She worked as a faculty member at the Mediterranean University, Istanbul branch, as a collaborator for two years 2014/2016, and worked as a collaborator in the Faculty of Education at the University of Tripoli, branch Bab Tajoura from 2010/2013.

Research Interests

care MS. Zainab in her scientific studies in graphic design, Islamic decoration and the art of gilding.

External Activities

MS. Zainab has many works of art in the field of Islamic decoration with real gold, and she participated in many exhibitions inside Libya and Istanbul, and she did a personal exhibition in 2018, and she implemented the entire design of the decorations of the Holy Qur’an for the General Authority of Endowments and Islamic Affairs 2022,